Running Carbon


Reef enthusiast
I'm just wondering if I should be running carbon on my system. What are your guys' thoughts on running carbon? What do you use and how do you use it?
I've never ran any carbon in my system.But most folks that do,say its better to use a reactor for it.That way you get the most out of it.
I used to run it 24/7 in a HOB for my tank, and replaced it every month. It kept the water clear and odor free. But I haven't used it for months now, and my tank has the same results as when I used it. I just make sure I do regular water changes. Some people think that carbon is not really good for the tank after awhile, especially corals.
So would the best idea be to maybe run it for 2-3 days every couple weeks in a media bag in the sump?
Any brands I should stay away from?
I use it.
Can't say it's helping with anything, but at the same time it's not hurting anything that i know of. I have a BRS dual reactor so I run the ROX carbon in one chamber and high capacity GFO in the other. In fact I just got done swapping out both with fresh stuff.
I change both every month or so... emphasis on the "so". :mrgreen:
Some people don't use it,some use it 24/7 and some people like me use it on a part time basis.2-3 days once a month for me.

I've notice that my water gets a little yellowish when I look through the side of the tank.Running carbon a few days a month clears it right up.
Are you worried about the long term effects of running carbon, such as HLLE? Could it also have a negative effect on corals like bleaching?
i use marineland prograde when i do some new aqua scaping or have really stirred up a lot of blowing off rocks or removing something.i run it. for a few hours or 24 hours depending on the tank size.i run it thru a nice strong canister like a magnum.then i clean the filter and put it away till next time.have been doing it this way for years.with good water and no over feeding carbon is really an un needed expense.being a yankee i will tell you im not cheap but i am thrifty.there really is no long term effects if you clean the filter and change the carbon when needed.but every tank is different. water flow,type and amounts of food ,dosing,lighting really need to find whats right for i like rock sumps growing pods and algea i buy a little more electricity and a lot less thing i forgot to add.i have been to beaches and oceans all over the world and i have never seen a giant bag of carbon or a huge filter pad being replaced.there is a giant protein skimmer in australia though.see pic lol


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Wow that's gross!! So you're telling me you've never seen the guy changning the carbon cartridge eh? Hmmm he must be hiding :)

Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I may try using it for a day or two to try and get the yellow out of the water a bit.

Is there any special way of preparing it? I've heard people like to rinse it (maybe even boil it) I don't know.
what kind of filter r u running.i use a magnum i just fill the cartridge rinse in rodi water and run in a small bucket or 2.5 gallon tank of saltwater for five minutes to flush.then hang on the display tank for how ever long its my fourteen gallon cube thats about fiften or twenty minutes when i had my fifty i would run it for about 8 hours after sweeping all the rocks with a powerhead.
Sweet, look forward to hearing about the results. I'm thinking if I want to try my hand at SPS down the road I may need to get one. I think CCapt uses one if I'm not mistaken?