Acro Crabs - how to tell which ones are good?


Mr. Paranoid
I have 3 sps (acros) which have crabs living within..

I was told that if they have a fuzzy back and blue eyes they are bad....other than that they are fine. Is that true?

Would you get rid of them? Do they serve any purpose to the acro?

What is the harm they can cause?
The Trapezia Pocillopora/Acropora Crabs that live within them don't eat the corals but, they will feed on any detrius or food that gets trapped by the coral polyps. In the wild they serve to protect the corals from predators but, don't serve a real purpose in home aquariums
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Am I correct in reading that some of these crabs hiding in SPS are in fact gorilla crabs....not the harmless acro crabs?
they look totally different, the first pics are the acro crabs and the second are gorilla crabs


  • p-36817-acropora-crab.jpg
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  • gorillacrab.gif
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