New 180g Build

Thats a beautiful tank PRC! I hope mine gets like that one day! :) by the way, what do you feed your Yellow Tang? Algae Sheets? Mysis? 1, 2, 3 times a day? it would be helpfull :D
Thats a beautiful tank PRC! I hope mine gets like that one day! :) by the way, what do you feed your Yellow Tang? Algae Sheets? Mysis? 1, 2, 3 times a day? it would be helpfull :D

I have 3 tangs. 1 yellow, 1 sailfin, 1 orange shoulder. I feed them mysis in the morning, and an algae sheet in the afternoon.

every other day I'll trade the mysis for some of Rod's Food or emerald entree.
i will need to buy algae sheets tomorrow along with the calcium. i want my tang to look like that one :) im giving him mysis and brine shrimps, may swap the brine's with algae sheets or spectrum pellets. or maybe i'll start with the sheets as they are herbivore :)
i will need to buy algae sheets tomorrow along with the calcium. i want my tang to look like that one :) im giving him mysis and brine shrimps, may swap the brine's with algae sheets or spectrum pellets. or maybe i'll start with the sheets as they are herbivore :)

Tangs are herbivores. They need their veggies.
yeah. im also looking for some Chromis and maybe 1 Tank-Bred Ocellaris or a Tank-Bred Clarkii, not sure who to get, i want to get some more fish on the tank, once its settled down. currently have the Yellow Tang, the Teardrop and a Wrasse, taking out the wrasse and bringing some chromis would be nice IMO :D
I LOVE YOUR TANK!! So fun checking out pics of you guys with the big tanks. Especially a in wall where you can see through both sides.. awesome. Trying to get my parents to get something like that in their house. Please keep us updated and don't be shy with the pics. Also, glad to hear you found remedy to get your FF to color up.
I LOVE YOUR TANK!! So fun checking out pics of you guys with the big tanks. Especially a in wall where you can see through both sides.. awesome. Trying to get my parents to get something like that in their house. Please keep us updated and don't be shy with the pics. Also, glad to hear you found remedy to get your FF to color up.

You generally can't see through both sides of the tank, the other side if my furnace room. I have a large piece of black fabric that covers the back but I've been doing so much work on the tank lately I don't put it back up at the end of the day.
I figured you wouldn't like being able to see through to your furnace room but for some reason I just love transparent tanks. It's nice that you can remove the backsplash when you want.
Love the tank PRC, you have done an amazing job with it :)

still feeling sorry about nubby :( RIP Sir Nubbalot
Love the tank PRC, you have done an amazing job with it :)

still feeling sorry about nubby :( RIP Sir Nubbalot

Oh no my young aussie friend. The Nubster was found....He was hiding out in my overflow..(I looked in there 3 times and couldn't find him) my wife walked in the room to get me for dinner and said "Whats that in there?" And there he was...He's resting safe and sound on a rock as we speak...

He had my car keys, that's why I couldn't find him...:D
Who me scared? No I'm not scared. What makes you think I'm scared?


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Well, it's been over a month since I've done anything with my build thread, and I had to actually use the "search" function to even find it...Here are some pics since I've got the new lights. Everything is still living, added the fairy wrasse since last updated. My caps and favia have really gotten healthier and larger since the new lights less than a month ago.


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Thanks Biff.

After you filled the new tank up, how long did you wait to transfer your stuff over to it ?

About 2 minutes. :D I've had this tank setup for quite awhile now. I switched from a 90g. This tank went in the same wall as the 90, so I had to remove the 90g and then fill this tank up.

Just did it in steps.

1. Filled up 7 32g trash cans (new of course) with saltwater, got everything to temp.
2. Pulled all of the rock and put it in 2 of the cans.
3. Pulled the fish put them in my QT.
4. Emptied the old tank.
5. Got sand out of my old tank and put it in the new, added 2 new bags of sand.
6. put a giant plate in the tank on the sand and used it to deflect the water so that it didn't cause a dust up.
7. Put fish in...

I had it planned out, and my nephew also has a reef tank, so i had somebody helping who knew what he was doing, we did the entire transfer in less than 3 hrs.