Yellowstripe maroon clownfish


Reefing newb
I just bought a yellow stripe maroon clownfish. Are they only aggressive towards there own kind. Right now i have the clownfish in my quarantine tank. It's gonna be going in my 46 gal bowfront tank with my yellow watchman goby, purple firefish, blue/green chromis and coral beauty angelfish. Does anyone see any problems with my choices?
They can be aggressive towards any other fish. You are adding it last, so that's a good thing. The other fish will already have their territories established. But it may still bully them. Maroon clowns are the most aggressive out of all the clowns. Hopefully she keeps her cool!
+1 your fingers too! my pair is okay with most of my other fish, unless they swim into their corner, then they go nuts on 'em!
I have had mine for three weeks now. They don't bother anybody. I might of got some real laid back ones tho. I just added a small Coral beauty and they never even looked his way. Hopefully yours will be like mine.
Never had one,but i know a guy with one for about 5 years now ,he said its pushing 5 inches and is an SOB,so good luck with em,they are great looking fish.
I am new to forums so i do not know how to upload pictures yet. I figured out ho to attach them so here are some pics of Fin my yellow stripe clownfish. I named him or her fin. Does anyone no how to tell between them. From i read the male is smaller and more red in color and the female is large with a more maroon color. Thanks


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