Sick Bubble Coral


Reefing newb
So I've been eyeing this bubble coral at the LFS for $69 for a long time, but kept opting not to get it. When I went in on Friday I noticed that he had it in a tank where everything was marked down to $40. However, when he pulled it out of the tank it was clear it wasn't doing too well and after taking a look at the damage we agreed on a price of $15. I figure if I can nurse it back to health, $15 was a steal, if I can't well...I won't be upset over $15.

Anyway, aside from occasionally spot feeding it and ensuring it gets good light and moderate flow is there anything else I can do to help along the healing process? Pics attached.


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Bubble corals are a great coral to buy sick/dying. Those things are practically bullet proof and can come back even if there's just a little bit of flesh left alive.

Feed it often -- I feed mine every other day. It will take meaty foods like mysis, brine and krill. Wait until you see its pointy feeding tentacles poke out from between the bubbles -- those will grab the food from you and move it towards the mouth.

Try to keep that slime algae off of its skeleton.
Thanks Sarah,

Are you referring to the black/brown stuff on the skeleton now? I thought that was tissue necrosis or are you referring to the brown algae in the background?
The slimy looking maroon stuff on the "fins" of the skeleton. That's slime algae. You can blow it off with a turkey baster. If you leave it, it will spread.
Sure enough it sluffed right off, I'm glad you siad something. I really thought that was dying bubble coral..

No problem! The rest of the coral looks healthy and good. They bounce back very quickly if they are taken care of. Congrats! They are a really unique looking coral and a good choice for any tank.
+1 Biff
It might be a good idea to give it a Lugols soak to combat any infection from the damage on it.Just to help it along some.
Sorry for not posting in a while, I'm in the process of starting a company and its just consumed me with work.

The Bubble Coral is doing well, I make sure to feed it at least every day by squirting food into it's tentacles. It still has days where it inflates better than others and while its strong in the front and back it still rather weak in the center. Overall I'm pleased, and I'm sure as time moves on it will continue to grow.

The fish store I got it from is Reef's Plus in North Aurora, its a good shop and Steve, the owner, is really a great guy.