Decorator Crab ???


Reefing newb
I have a small 29 gallon reef with a variety or polyps, hermits, snails and a pair of clowns. I added a new piece of rock with some mushrooms. They seemed to thrive well but then I noticed that they looked like something had clipped them. Eventually they disappeared. I looked everywhere but could not find out what ate them. Soon I noticed that a small piece of rock had couple of yellow polyps attached. Then I noticed the rock moving. On close inspection I realized that a crab had covered itself with yellow polyps and was happily eating what ever it could find. It has not eaten any polyps but it has made a few attempts at grabbing my clowns. Can someone confirm for me if this is a decorator crab ? Does anyone want this mushroom eating devil ?



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All I can see is the legs but it definitely has to be a decorator crab.No other crab adorn themselves like that that I'm aware of.Reef safe for the most parts.The corals,anemones can get brushed against other corals,damaging them.I hear they can spread coral colonies to different places in the tank.Don't be surprise to see yellow polyps growing in different place.

I think it's cool.
Welcome to the site.
I think thats the first Decorator crab I've seen use yellow polyps. Thats cool.:D
Thanks everyone for all the replies. The crab is pretty neat to watch but before I give it away I want to make sure it eats mushrooms. I am going to pick up a small cluster today and see what happens. It may be expensive but worth it in the long run. There is one benefit ... this guy eats algae. I have always had a little bubble algae and valonia but all of the valonia is gone. He hasn't touched the bubble algae. I will add a new post and pic as soon as my test is finished.
i had one...but it was trying to kiil my fish and he did...he kill like 3 clows....i would take him out...

It probably wasn't a decorator crab.

Decorator crabs are scavangers and wont go out and kill a fish unless the fish is attacking it, which is why deco crabs have such small claws. They are really neat to watch and I wish our LFS would get them in because I would totally have a few of em in my tank :) They will spread those corals around and if not, when it molts will move them onto his new body!

they are reef safe so i doubt he's eating your mushies.... they aren't known for eating corals so you may want to watch for something else eating them
its a decorator crab iv had them before their really cool but not reef safe it will move or break off anything its strong enough to and put it on himself to blend in