Losing Interest


Reefing newb
Does anyone feel sometimes like they just want to give up the whole aquarium thing? Everything is doing great in the tank, its just getting kind of boring. For some reason, I have only been able to keep 2 fish in my tank for over a year or so. Maybe that is it. I am not sure. Any ideas? I have a 92 gallon corner tank with 2 Ocellarius (not sure of spelling) clownfish. I am just trying to figure out why am losing interest. Just putting this out there for some ideas or support. Thanks.
I have a lot of corals. For some reason, I just can't keep more fish in it. I have tried for a couple of years now. All kinds of fish (reef safe, of course) with no luck.
I'd lose interest too if I had 2 fish in 90g of water....Do you have any idea why your other fish are dying off? What types of fish have you lost? How long do they normally last in your tank?
I have lost numerous tangs, a copperbanded butterflyfish, blennies, gobies just to name a few. They lasted around 3-4 months or so.
pic is here


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it is possible to get bored, but when that happens, that just means you need some type of change...try re-aquascaping your rocks, or add a sump/fuge. Try an exotic fish, or something like seahorses. It will spark you interest again. :)
+1 Smitty. The tank looks pretty nice as is. I'd kill for a tank that size (more like a place large enough to fit one). If I had a tank that large and got sick of larger fish like tangs/angels, etc. I'd want to get a decent sized school of blue reef chromis or another schooling species. I think having schools of fish can be pretty interesting. (To me at least)
Whenever I start to lose interest...I take out my camera. It's amazing how 'catching' a great photo can spark my interest again. :)