Idol thread

You just dont wont the sponges floating up to the waters surface.If they come in contact with the air,it will kill them before your idol can eat em.
But I think that either one or even both types of sponge will work for him.
Thanks Yote. I'll pay attention to that.

Here's a question...I was reading an article the other day on Idols and someone said they would by a sponge and cut it up in to smaller cubes. Then they would freeze it in an airtight container and pull out a cube as needed. Sounds weird to me...thoughts? I wonder if the Idol would even eat the sponge if it was dead. I guess it does eat the frozen angelfish cubes...hmmmmmmmmm.....
That might work.And you'd get a lot more out of the sponge.
Its worth a shot.But I still like the looks of live sponge in the tank,even if it IS food for a picky eater.:D
Well I'm happy to report my Idol is still eating like crazy. :) He especially enjoys my Pipe Organ Coral and Brain Coral. :( lol
If that's what keeps him alive and be it. It's a good thing I enjoy the fish 10x more than the corals! ;)
If that's what keeps him alive and be it. It's a good thing I enjoy the fish 10x more than the corals! ;)
This is how i feel too,i always knew i wanted a nice beautiful centerpiece angel,so that meant no corals....big deal.You have the center of all centerpiece fish:D....again,good luck
RIP Ivan. I know some of you were watching this thread contemplating an Idol. He was a great fish...and if you don't mind them occasionally eating a coral or two...I think they're stunning. Mine did die...but it was MY fault. I did a water change without PURE RO water. My filters needed to be changed, but I didn't realize it until the tank was all set to change out the I changed it anyway. Few hours later, Ivan was gasping at the top for air...and a few hours after that, he was gone. I'll never do a water change without pure RO water again! :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat: The more sensitive fish cannot handle it. Oops!!! :( I guess that's what they mean by 'experienced' fish owners only. It was a STUPID thing to do!



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Thats a bummer,what about Ivan the II :lol:,sounds like you knew your mistake and now you can correct it...Not to sound inconsiderate or anything but,they are cheap...I'd be tempted,but they are a peaceful fish ,so it would get pretty roughed up in my tank....
Thanks for the update ,even though its bad news
Looking at the pic you posted when you got it and then the recent pic, it's obvious the fish was not eating properly. No suprise....unfortunately as it's common knowledge they are a fish best kept in the ocean.

I do not believe RO water made with old filters had anything to do with the death.
Looking at the pic you posted when you got it and then the recent pic, it's obvious the fish was not eating properly. No suprise....unfortunately as it's common knowledge they are a fish best kept in the ocean.

I do not believe RO water made with old filters had anything to do with the death.

This picture was also taken taken I first got him. I just posted it because it was one of my favorites. He was very thin when I got him...but I got him to the point that he was pleasingly plump. He was eating a variety of whatever sponge I could find...and doing very well.