Rearranged my rock


Stop Quoting Me!
In my never ending quest to make my tank not look stupid I rearranged my rock again today. And did a 50g water change.

AND....I got bit by something..wasn't a fish or a shrimp. (maybe bristle worm) Holy Hell did it hurt!! first I thought that I just scratched it on a rock, and then it started to hurt, and hurt, and hurt some more..still a little numb, but the pain is gone for the most part. I'm gettin' gloves.

I'm just not good at aquascaping. So if you think it looks dumb let me know.

Don't pay attention to the placement of the corals, that'll change..I've just got them sitting around right now.


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I don't want to go with the rock wall look, since I don't run a skimmer I want to make sure that detritus can be eaten or can get back into the water column and into the sump.

But yeah, I know I'm short on rock because I figure'd I'd buy some rocks with large zoa colonies on far I haven't found anything I'm in love with.

I did see a nice small colony of pink zoas the other day, kinda neat don't run across pink in this area much.
I was originally going for a V from bottom to top, so that the rock had a small footprint on the sand and then got wider as it went up....I spent all day drilling and strapping rocks together. I do need more pieces of rock. I want(ed) to get it closer to the top of the tank, I just ran out of rocks that would work...gonna have to go shopping tomorrow.
Well, I think it looks good (im not good either with aquascaping) but, more rocks, Get it to the top so a little bit is sticking out of the water!
I must say, i love the way it's built up in the middle wil a little bridge to the right, looks awesome! It's also nice because it seems as thought it would be easy to built on to it. Good lookin tank that's for sure!