8 Year Old Tang....


So I have had My favorite Yellow Tang (Marylin) for 5 Years, she was 3 when I bought her. Well she finally died yesterday after a long and plentiful life, SO SAD.

I was wondering if anyone has held a single Yellow Tang or any Tang that has lived to be 8 Years Old??? Seems like a long life span from what I've heard from my local reefers.

Let me know some of your expiriences with how long your fish have lived????
I have several fish in my tank that I have had for 10 years now. My first fish ever, a blue damsel, died a few months ago. I had him for 10 years as well. I have had my yellow tail blue damsel for 10 years as well. As for tangs, I've had my yellow for 5 years.
Sad news of your Tang. You provided a nice home for him and he lived a long and happy life.

Thanks for the pat on the back....I was just watching my video posted in my signature and you can actually see Marylin on the far right side of my tank just below that Large head of Green Monti Pora. Now I really miss her Ouch! :bowdown:
tomato clown I've had for 5+ years. She was already a decent size when I got her.
Maybe 5 inches now.
I don't know if that is normal for a clown.


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tomato clown I've had for 5+ years. She was already a decent size when I got her.
Maybe 5 inches now.
I don't know if that is normal for a clown.

Kazarko, Nice looking Tomatoe!
I also have a Tomatoe Clown in my 20G FOWLR. I have noticed that as fish get older they tend to bome thinner across the girth and shoulders region no matter how much they eat or how many vitamins you serve.

Amazing how attached you become to a fish over time though, Ain't it?
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Just a question but, how is that you have had your tang for 5 years, but your tag says you have only been involved in saltwater for 4 years . . .
I had a 65G FOWLR before I became a REEFER. Marylin has been with me for 5 Years + 3 with previous owner = 8 years old.

Big difference between REEF and FOWLR.


BTW how old are your fish?
0 years, because i only have a tiny tank and a bucket which will go into a bigger tank in the fall. Although next week i will be adding a small fish and maybe a shrimp to the tiny tank.
0 years, because i only have a tiny tank and a bucket which will go into a bigger tank in the fall. Although next week i will be adding a small fish and maybe a shrimp to the tiny tank.

I hope your TINY TANK becomes a well flourishing and natural aquatic domain for all the inhabitants that are to come.

If you need any help getting started please let me know and I'll try to help as best I can.

Best Regards! :mrgreen:
Just a question but, how is that you have had your tang for 5 years, but your tag says you have only been involved in saltwater for 4 years . . .

I have updated my Expirience level as you pointed out. When I joined LR I was considering FOWLR and REEF as seperate levels. I have changed to 6 Years Expirience level which now makes me an Official Old REEF GEEK. LOL.

Thanks for pointing that out for me.
Guess i'll just take my sad ol' FOWLR outta here then:mrgreen:
Just saying, to each his own...I can't think of anything more gratifying then watching a juvi angel develop into a beautiful adult.I think that takes a little level of care aswell. Something i knew i always wanted to do also....not to mention my awesome triggs i wanted too,maybe i joined the wrong forum:lol: ...I do have mushrooms though:D :Cheers:
Guess i'll just take my sad ol' FOWLR outta here then:mrgreen:
Just saying, to each his own...I can't think of anything more gratifying then watching a juvi angel develop into a beautiful adult.I think that takes a little level of care aswell. Something i knew i always wanted to do also....not to mention my awesome triggs i wanted too,maybe i joined the wrong forum:lol: ...I do have mushrooms though:D :Cheers:

I gotta say excuse me IF i sounded like REEF is ABOVE FOWLR...NOT at all, I cut my teeth with the Fish Only tank and I think everyone would benefit from doing so. IMO.

Having said that REEF systems do require a bit more Calculated Water Paramaters and being able to maintain pristine water conditions as well as knowledge of Corals,Inverts and such.

My 65 FOWLR consisted of an 8 Inch CLOWN TRIGGER, a NIGER TRGGER, a BLUE HEAD WRASS, an UNDULATED TRIGGER, a PICASSO TRIGGER, a PORCUPINE PUFFER, BLUE JAW MALE AND FEMALE TRIGGERS, among many others......so I have been there and done that....

FOWLR TANKS ROCK and you definately belong here on this site. IMO!
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No worries,i just know of a few locals who do happen to think fish only system are nothing but rocks and a few glorified fish....so,you still have that 8 in CT,mines a baby still:D
Guess i'll just take my sad ol' FOWLR outta here then:mrgreen:
Just saying, to each his own...I can't think of anything more gratifying then watching a juvi angel develop into a beautiful adult.I think that takes a little level of care aswell. :D :Cheers:

I feel the same way..anybody with enough money can go buy a big fish, but to keep fish the majority of their life and watch them grow IMO is more satisfying.