birdsnest help...?


Reefing newb
so ive had my birdsnest for a few weeks when i had saved it from a petco... i watched as the price and health dropped over the course of about a montl.. they had it laying on its side turning brown underneath... its recovered alot but there are these small purplish looking lumps on a few parts still and im not sure what is is. they are hard like the coral but slimy to a degree. they also bubble up toward the end of the day.. is this simply how birdsnest grows.. is it an infection what is it?!?!? haha
any help appreciated!
Yes, pic would definitely help us help you. Birdsnest are generally fast growers in my experience. The new growth will look like little white bumps or extensions and will gradually get more color and polyps as it grows.
THANK YOU! haha i did get your reply email and i very much appreciate the extra help...
this actually makes alot of sense because the petco i purchased from has tanks that you literally can not see the bottom of the tank as it is covered with a purple carpet of cyano
hens why i RESCUE theses creatures
thank you...well it has recovered alot since being in my tank.. they had a frag tank that had about as much light as mine however it was probly 4 times the size.
but still i did manage about a 4 inch wide piece for 35 dollars which seems to be a great deal to me! haha thank you irresponsible petco!
this is what was left after i removed it...its already recovering [lowered the resolution on my camera... the files were too large before]


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It does look really healthy and has nice polyp extension. If you can put it in a higher flow area the cyano wont be able to stick to it any longer.
thank you ... its in the best flowing area it can be at the moment but it was on there from the very beginning... its already starting to heal since i removed them
Petco had a birdsnest?!? I didn't even know they could order anything like that, and I worked there. That's insane.
Well at least a resposible reefkeeper scooped it up rather than your typical Petco customer that has a canister filter and 3 tangs in a 29 or something.
Good catch.
That BN looks like it's in good shape. Higher flow will help keep that cyano from spreading, too. I keep my green BN fairly close to a K4 with the flow hitting the side of it, so you can see the polyps shaking a bit, and it's super happy. Good luck