New Led's the KR92


Reefing newb
Just received and installed my Led light, waited 4 weeks from Hong Kong, havent sorted out the auto lighting modes think it's written in chihlish, the modes are sunrise, daytime, sunset and moonlight, photo attached if anyones interested. Not too sure if they are too high off the tank?



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Can get make the picture bigger or a closer look at the LED bulbs?

It looks nice from what I can tell.

It's set to moonlight at the moment, see if thes are any good

algy1943 (Allen)


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They look great to me.I'm no LED expert but it looks like the LED has optics which is a big plus.Makes the bulbs more focus but increases the PAR.

I like it,congrats!
you got a link to where you purchased it?

KR92 from Eco-Lamps Coming Soon
The KR92 with following sizes will be released on 1 Sept. 2009. (2 weeks to go
KR92, 12",18",24",30",36",42" & 48" . Price £280 for 12" through to £1440 for 48" (+Courier charges)

Other sizes 14",16",20",22",26"28" to 50" ... will be available from 1 Nov. 2009.

Over 50" to 80" will be available from 1 Jan. 2010.

We are in the process of sorting our Website (ongoing saga
) but we will be the UK distributor for Eco-Lamps

Please note that if you buy direct from Eco-Lamps in Hong Kong there are alot of hidden costs to consider i.e. Export admin fee, Shipping costs, Import duty, customs Clearance and VAT on top of the price of the light itself. As the UK distributor our prices are in actual fact lower than the total price you would pay if you were to import direct from Hong Hong.

Wonder if they have a dealer on this side of the pond?
Thats a great looking set of lights.
Some info on the KR92
Eco Lamps new LED aquarium lighting KR92

Posted on June 22nd, 2009 by Ryan Gripp
8 Leave a comment

Eco Lamps has a new lighting unit that will be hitting the market soon. The unit which is named the KR92 is the newer model to the KR91 and is said to be able to replace a 250 watt metal halide. “It produces PAR light output levels equal to a Metal Halide that has ~ 850 PAR in the surface of water. It’s LED life expectancy is approximately 50,000 hours. ( 5 + years life ) It is a PC/VHO/T5/MH replacement. Heat is radiated up away from tank expelling need for chillers No UV or IR damage light sensitive items. The KR92 designed a programmable timer to control for day light, Blue light & moon light. Actinic LEDs allows outstanding coral growth. Advanced design for a safe and easy experiences”. No word on price or release date, but when you are touting that it will use 60% less energy then most all of us our eager to wait and see.

Superior Performance – Capable of producing as more powerful than a 250W metal halide system
Save Energy – Up to 60% versus comparable 250W metal halide system
Long Life – LED Life expectancy is approximately 50,000hours (5+ years life)
Low Heat – Generates a fraction of the heat of a comparable 250W metal halide system
Cooling System – Fixture is cooled by blowing air across heat sinks located in bothside of the fixture
Programmable Timer – Control daylight, Blue Light and moon light cycles automatically
Upgradeable – Modular design allow end user to combine the fixtures that can increase the luminosity