Sump Build


Reefing newb
I want to build a sump for my 55 gallon. The space under the stand is only 10.5 inches wide. Most 20 gallon aquariums are to wide. A 10 gallon is the largest that will fit. Is a 10 gallon sump going to be to small for my tank?
Theorically it is possible but I have to tell you most people find them to small to work with.

If you are handy or have someone who is,maybe they can build you one.The only other option is buy one premade or get one custom made.Both are going to be more expensive.
Are you looking to build a sump just to house equipment or a fuge to add with filtration? Either way I think adding more water volume is better than not adding it, even if it is a 10g tank. Here's a pic of my 10g fuge I use for my 29g DT.

hahahaha thats cute... reminds me of my first sump...

now, in the words of croc. dundee, "thats not a sump, THIS is a sump!!!" hehehehehe 100 gallon rubbermade stock tank... see you can be creative and use most anything, just be carefull what its made from and whats been in it....


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Ten gallon aquarium will not fit under the stand either. Gave up and ordered the acrylic and adhesive. I am gonna take a shot at building a custom that will fit under my stand. Thanks for the input.
I will post pictures. I went to the website Melev. He makes custom acrylic sumps. He has some very good instructions. I will be taking his plans for a simple sump and modify it somewhat.
i've spent hours on that site looking at ideas and things that i wanna modify and then build for my uses.. great site to look at and learn from...
Some weeks ago I decided to build a sump because I could not find one to fit under my stand. I read and re-read the builds on the Melev website and came up with a design I thought would work for my stand. I ordered the Acrylite material from a company on the web, Professional Plastics. I also ordered the adhesive Weld on #4 and the needle applicator from a company on the web, Ridout Plastics.


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So now I have the plastic and the adhesive and the design. I need someone or somehow to cut the pieces. After I could find no one in my small town to cut the pieces, I decided to do it myself. I downloaded instructions and suggestions for cutting acrylite. The best way to get straight cuts is with a tablesaw. This was not an option. Another suggested procedure was to use a jigsaw. So I am off to the local ACE Hardware to purchase a jigsaw and the recommended blades to cut plastic. If you new me you would understand the look the salesman at the Ace Hardware gave me when I told him I wanted to purchase a jigsaw. I am not your typical power tool kinda girl (LOL). OK. So I now have my jibsaw and am ready to measure and cut my pieces.:bounce: (Did you notice my workbench is an old computer desk?)


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Very nice can't wait to see the completed tank. To help keep your cuts straight with a jigsaw you can clamp a straight edge to the acrylic to use as a guide.
Amazingly I got all the pieces cut and still have all my fingers. (Yea!!) I would however recommend using the table saw. It is difficult on the longer pieces to get the cuts straight. If I build again I will be visiting my Dad and his tablesaw. It is time to glue it together!!! I started by glueing the ends to one of the sides. It is recommended to always glue pieces horizontally. I quickley learned this is because the adhesive is like water. The adhesive (Weld On #4) is applied with a needle applicator. I only ordered one. I recommend ordering atleast two. The problem occurs when you glue one piece and you wait a few minutes to glue the next the adhesive tends to dry in the end of the applicator and stops it up. I discovered taking the end of the applicator off and placing it in a glass of water prevents this from happening. I used a drop of super glue to set the pieces where I wanted them. Then I applied the adhesive. The adhesive drys within minutes. Make sure you have the piece where you want it. Once the adhesive sets up, there is no moving it. :grumble:


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I finished the construction and now it is time for the water test. (Everybody hold your breath.) It holds water with no leaks and it actually flows the way it is supposed to. No one is more suprised than me.:^:Except maybe my husband. He is still shaking his head.:Cheers:


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So I have the sump finished. Wrong. The sump will hold about 13 gallons. I originally planned on putting the refugium in the center compartment. After looking at a stacked version of a sump and refugium on the Melev website, I decide to build a separate refugium. I didn't want to wait for more plastic to arrive via mail so, I started checking at the home improvement stores. I actually found almost the same thickness (1/4 inch) at the Home Depot in the town 20 miles away. I also bought a holesaw to drill the hole to install the bulkhead in the refugium (Again with the looks from the sales people.) I put the refugium together and it passed the water test :^:.


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OK. It is time to put it all together under the stand. Drum roll please!!!! I plumbed it and it has now been up and running for a week with no leaks or problems. :bounce:
All joking aside this was a very enjoyable project. I learned alot.:mrgreen:


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