

Reefing newb
good morning to all , I am new to this forum and i am new to coral's and i have few question about light and coral's
i have my tank for about 2 year's now and is doing good with fish and mushroom is a 75gl and i think is time for me to add some color with polyps and coral but i don't know that much about light's on the picture you can see what light i have, you think are good for polyps and coral's or i need more light???
65 w 12000k day light
65 w trye actinic
now i am running both light at the same time is that wrong???
or I need to alternate day light and actinic

thank you to all for the help i can get in this forum

(and sorry for the spelling if there is any bad one ....but i am from Italy :D )


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First off, your tank looks great!

Secondly, some corals do well under the low light, but for most corals you are quite underpowered for light.

You should be looking at a T5 system with individual reflectors to cover your tank, keeping in mind you need at least 4 watts per gallon of water in order to house all kinds of corals. with the T5's, if you have the individual reflectors you get 300% watts (from what ive been told) so if you have 100 watts worth of T5 globes, you have about 300 watts due to the reflectors. Or alternatively a Metal Halide is a great light source.

you should be looking at 100 Watts of T5's or above or 300 watts of lighting of whatever combination.

hope that helps you a bit.
I dont think you should yet, mainly because they require quite a high light from things I have read. I would suggest getting a good lighting system of at least 300 Watts then you can house anything without a worry.
There are some corals and polyps you could have with those lights. You could look into ones like button polyps, yellow colony polyps, look into some of the LPS corals that like low or moderate lighting. There are corals out there you can keep under those lights but you will have to do alot more research to find em.
I agree with Yote.

You have 4x65w power compact lighting.Good enough for soft and LPS corals.It will better to have LPS corals top half rather then the bottom.Soft corals anywhere.Ideally a new T5 fixture with 6 bulbs and individual reflectors would be better but not necessary for the two types of corals I listed.Remember PC bulbs don't last very long(even if they look okay),every six to eight months they need to be replace.

Polyps is a general term.Everything from zoanthids to cloves are considered polyps.You have enough light for polyps.
Those new Nova's that yote recommended seem like a really good deal. I have a 4 bulb T-5 system but I may upgrade to those if I don't get MH's.