New Tank is up and runing!!


Stop Quoting Me!
Here are some pics of the new tank. We started at about10:30 and finished at about 3:00. Everything went pretty smooth, fish didn't freak out too much, all the corals and all the fish are back in the tank...still need to finish up the aquascaping, and but the trim back around the tank.

I can't believe how little rock it looks like I have. Water is still a bit cloudy, but it didn't get nearly as cloudy as I thought it would. Added an additional 80 lbs of sand.


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Its funny how when you go with a bigger tank,the rock you already have NEVER fills it up.
looks good PRC.
Its funny how when you go with a bigger tank,the rock you already have NEVER fills it up.
looks good PRC.

No kidding, I figured, it's only 2 ft longer and I've got so much rock in the 90g it won't look that different in the 180g. I'm not going to buy any right away, I'll wait til I find specific corals that I have to buy the entire rock. I couldn't do that with the 90g.
Here's something I didn't know and was actually curious about.. In my 90g tank, my clowns hosted a fuzzy mushroom, with the tank move today, I was curious if the clowns would be able to recognize it since it's in a different part of the tank now. Sure enough, within a few minutes, the clowns were laying in it.
I don't know if I'm going to keep it like that or not..I want some nice open space that the fish can swim, I'm going to rework it tomorrow, I wanted to get the fish back in and let everything settle down...

I fed them about 30 minutes ago, everybody seems happy. I went and bought a pink goby tonight. I'll send a pic in a sec.

Here he it's not two of them..he's up against the mirrored side.


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