DT to Sump Drain Help !!!!!!!

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
ok i have the sump flowing now the problem is i have the quiet one 3000 rated 780gph i think is what it is, when its running the drain to the sump blows a lot of air into the sump like a hot tub and its very loud and with the air bubbling up in the sump the air pops at the surface and is getting salt water spray out the tank,the pics were taken when valve was closed a lot, i closed off the valve from pump about more than half way before things settle but then there is not a good flow any suggestions. see pics is it that flex hose or is it the pipe i have in the sump ??? surely i should be able to let it flow more than that !!! Help


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Try putting a filter sock on the water inlet from the overflow. Some bubbles are normal. How fast is the water moving through the sump? YOu may need to slow it down a little.
Ok, so the white pvc in the end is the water inlet? If so its below the surface of the water in the sump, so bubbles are popping, got it. Like I said before use a filter sock. You may also try changing that last elbow in your sump to a "t" and place a small pipe upwards a little, creating a vent for the air. The bubbles are getting trapped from your overflow and getting pulled right into the sump and since they are released below the water line in your sump they of course must rise up and pop, creating your problem. Sock and plumbing vent, try that.
i thought about the "T" idea but was not sure ill try it when i get home luckily i did not glue it together LOL, and you said a filter sock thats one of those micro bubble socks or whatever?? so you put it over the Mega flow overflow screen?? see pic or you meant sock at the sump on the drain pipe in the sump???


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Thanks , SeaBee !!! i used the Tee with pipe,I left off the down pipe on the inlet i had with the slots cut in and i tie strapped a filter sock to it and i have 0 bubble coming up now and i even opened up my pump valve almost all the way now so i have much more flow to my tank, the only thing that seems to still make a little noise is that flex hose i have you can hear the water flowing through it so i figure today ill get some regular clear hose to quiet it down a little more, i think that those ribs in the flex hose create way too much noise and turbulance. thanks again for your help !!!!:bounce:
Filter socks will need changed out regularly. You'll get build up in them and water will start backing up and nitrates. Change them out every few days. Rinse them out and put in washer with a little bleach. Let air dry.