Weird Grey Stuff


Reefing newb
Hey guys i just did a large water change on sunday. Over half. And i filled up with RO/DI pre mixed water. I have noticed that on half of the LS there is a grey like substance thats almost like a slime but its not slimy its connecting all the LS together if you guys know what i mean. just wondering what it is and what should i do about it.
I checked all my levels and everything is perfect temp is stable at 75 and the fish are swiming around like crazy :). Is this somthing i should worry about? I had it once before when i first started the tank but havent seen it since.
Sounds like cyano bacteria to me.
Do about a 30% water change and siphon out as much of the cyano as you possible.Then kill the lights for 3 to 4 days.The day you turn the lights back on,do another 30% water change,again siphoning out any cyano that you can still see.
It'll also help to get some more flow in that area.
Hey Yote... I just did a huge water change on sunday and noticed it on monday (yesterday) do i have to change it all again.... Cyeno is (red Slime) not this stuff. I took care of that when i came.
Red slime AKA cyano can be any color.Blues and greys are common.

But just in case.Can you post a pic of the stuff?
There ya go.... you are right it might be cyeno and wow right after a huge water change thats crazy. should i leave it or remove it? can it hurt or help?


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There ya go.... you are right it might be cyeno and wow right after a huge water change thats crazy. should i leave it or remove it? can it hurt or help?

Cyano is not beneficial - it will eventually start developing a 'carpet' of bubbles which is bad. It can get much worse and cause many other issues.

I ran chem-pure and a high-grade carbon or high-end bituminous or lignite based cabon and used a very fine mechanical pre-filter.

It's easier to treat than some other algaes but is definitely one you want to get rid of.