Sharkies Reef

wow thats an extremely funny story. what a wierdo. Some people just dont belong in the hobby, or out in public for that matter.

That rocks you got an eel out of it. and not one but 2 were in a rock!
yea!! apparently its more common with rocks from fiji according to the manager, i've never heard of it myself but i've learned that anything goes with this hobby! lol, so much in fact that i'm possibly gonna get some "saltwater neons" for my sisters nano, apparently they can live in the saltwater just fine, our LFS has slowly acclimated them over the last few years and now they are giving birth to babies that life happily in the SW. lol.

it sure was a steal! I was wanting another, but not this soon.... but i figured when would i ever get another zebra for cheaper than $70, let alone FREE!! couldn't pass it up!

Kona is a bit jealous right now, they are currently trying to establish dominance. Kona is winning but Kaluha thinks hes the bigger eel and wont leave him alone! LOL poor kona looks annoyed.

and hes managed to find the hardest, tiniest, most dark holes in the tank so i can't get good pictures! :grumble:

depending on their temperments he may be moved to the extra 10 for a while so he can chill out, hes a bit aggressive towards kona
he is much smaller than kona isnt he? damn it must be a total chore to catch a eel out of your tank. hopefully the 50 isnt too samll for the 2 to get along well.
actually eels are SUPER easy to catch! kona is trained to whenever the lid is open to come out because thats when he knows he gets food :) so trying to teach this lil dude that is more of a chore.

eels are typically pretty social with eachother once there is a dominate and the rest are the followers. at the AQ i think we have 8 different eel species all in the same tank adn they all do great together :) and those are like 3-4 foot ones!
Thats what I call being in the right place at the right times.:D
Its not unheard of for all kinds of animals to show up in live rock.We've even had octopus show with new rock orders at the store.
OMG I HATE HATE HATE that kid!!!

I wouldn't blame the child. Nurture made her the way she is, not nature. it's too bad her parent's aren't letting her know how to respect other people and their belongings. hopefully in the long run she will know the difference between doing right and wrong things.
that "eels are water forms of devils" line is total crap, and is just an excuse not to pay for damages.

your situation was truly a frustrating one.

hope you've cheered up by now:mrgreen:
Oh my, I just read that....what an EFFING little b*tch!!!! Not to mention a$$hole parents! If it were my teenage kid, I would have whupped the cr@p out of her for first of all, disrespecting other people by stealing, and then not leaving things alone. You know damn well she did not put that air freshener in there just cuz it "smelled" funny....she put it in there to be stupid. And even if "eels are bad snakes" as they think, it doesn't's not their tank. Man, I feel for ya, Sharkie. It was sad enough to lose the shark, but to have this li'l girl step in and do that mess.

oh yea filipino power hahaha. i remember my moms disciplinary skills. hey i turned out pretty great. haha well atleast really respectful
That is AWESOME about the zebra eel! At the restaurant I work at on the weekends we have a 2200 gal fish tank! They have a 3' zebra eel and he is the coolest! Only comes out in the morning when he gets fed! They take calamari before it is breaded or marinated and the eel goes nuts for it! Kaluha is such a cute name for an eel!! I hope he comes out soon so we can see a better picture of that devil rock dweller!
wow, its been a while since I've updated...soooooo i'll start by saying i've sorta lost major interest in my tank mainly because I've been so wrapped up in school and preparing to move that I've neglected my tank :(

I found out that Kaluha is actually a barred eel and not a zebra, his bands are too thick and the nose shape is different.

I've yet to find a 55g in my price range so I've been a bad neglectful owner and have everyone still in the 20 (don't shoot me!LOL) They are all alright since i've got lots of movement and a halfcrapped 10g sump underneath that my dad tried to make for me (it works, just not amazingly). I have to teach both my parents how to handle the tank while I'm away and so far they are failing miserably :( my younger sister knows some stuff but not everything.

I've had a bout with crappy CUC too. All my hermits and snails keep dying. All the levels are fine so I'm thinking its just the LFS and not me. They switched management and all their stuff is horrible looking now....

I had been talking about getting an urchin and doing some research on them and 2 days ago I woke up to find one in my tank :) I'm not sure what type he is but hes been cleaning the heck offa the glass :) I named him Spike. Hes hot pink, orangeish, and green.... I think he is a pin cushion urchin? I attached a photo but its from my iphone so its kinda hard to see :( the day after he was in the tank (he wasn't acclimated at all, or QTed... bad dad!) I had a small ick outburst and started up my garlic and now its all gone...

Also have had a fight with aptasia. My sisters 10g nano was looking good and she decided she wanted to add another rock into it. The rock was too large so we moved it over to my tank.... fast foward to now there is aptasia EVERYWHERE in both tanks so we've been trying to fight those off... pep shirmp=fail at life for eating the stuff.

Sooo.... yea. :( I've been trying to get back into it but I can't find a tank that fits my price range, its horrible because I've got 2 months before I go and I need to have everything swapped over and stable before I leave...

anyone know what type of urchin spike is?


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Gotta say, fair amazing post, spent the last hour reading it. What a fucked up little kid, I have the same issue with my cousins, they do whatever they can to break things and not because it was an accident, but because they are jealous they dont have it for themselves!

But thats awesome about the eels, I always wanted one but am not sure how they would go in my 60g, the LFS told me that the tank is too small for it :S but from reading this I think he is quite wrong!
fastd, around $60-70 thats what theyve been going for on craigslist for the stand and tank, I'd add extra for the other stuff cos I know i'd need it... I just always seem to miss getting them :p
will do!

thats an awesome lookin' purple urchin! I got my camera from my mom so I took a better photo


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