How to pick live rock ?

crazy cajun

Reefing newb
Ok im new to the saltwater world and building a 90 Gal reef tank, im looking to put live Fiji rock in my tank and was wondering what to look for when purchasing my rock is their anything specific to look for when purchasing good Fiji rock from LFS??
If you don't have any rock or sand I would suggest you look at Live Rock - Tampa Bay Saltwater Aquacultured Live Rock and get their "package" you will get fresh live rock right from the ocean, plenty of hithikers, cuc, and many other extras. And with the package the price is comparable to what you will pay just for LR from the LFS.
If you decide to get it from your LFS though you should look for rocks with plenty of color, also it should feel lighter than it looks (means there are plenty of crevices for creatures), and when you pull it out of the tank it should smell like the ocean. If it smells like rotten eggs there is a lot of things dying on it. Finally bring buckets with you so you can put the rock you buy into them to keep as much alive during transport as possible.
I personally look for pieces that are porus..they weight less and have more spots from pods and other biology to grow.I always look for pieces that I can stack to make..or already have small fish sized holes in them so they can hide. If there is a disagreement in the tank they can flee to saftey.

Coraline growth. The more the better imo!

I also make sure i'm not picking up rocks that have small red flecks all over it..also known as flatworms. I know two LFS that have flatworms. you don't want flatworms. If you see something on a rock and don't know what it is. Ask. There are some common pests you can try to avoid picking up.
If im about 2 weeks away from having my tank up and running and i find someone selling cured live rock that has been in a tank for 2 years how long could i keep it in a plastic bin with pump circulation until i get the tank up????
Sorry for being offtopic but.. Hooray another Houston reefer! :mrgreen: I'm just starting a tank as well and am in the same boat so please inform me of your progress in your selection.
hey Biff i have someone that will sell me 135lbs of live rock and a bunch of fish for $200 for all i know i can keep the rock in tubs with circulation until i get my tank up and running but what about the fish?????
You can keep the fish in a tank with a powerhead and heater for a little while but, you'll need to do like 50% water changes everyday to keep the ammonia down
what if you put them with the live rock will the live rock filter enough to not have to change 50% everyday??? not sure if thats a dumb question !!
I don't think the rock from Fiji is any greater than rock from Florida. The important thing is to keep it wet! Once live rock starts to dry the living things on it start to die. Dead stuff in a tank will cause a cycle. I've brought live rock home from an LFS in a box, keeping it wet and then put in the tank fast before it dried out much. That rock did not cause a cycle of any kind. This is why Tampa Bay Saltwater ships their rock in water.
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i like the Fiji rock better because it is more porous and Florida rock is very dense the more porous rock is better for bacteria and other critters that live inside the rock
i like the Fiji rock better because it is more porous and Florida rock is very dense the more porous rock is better for bacteria and other critters that live inside the rock

The Fiji rock I've seen does seem to be more porous but I like Tampa Bay Salt water because its really alive! I've had mine for 2 years and we find a new life form on it around twice a month.
that tampa bay rock is great rock you get more than what you pay for i have been wanting to get some just for the life but not fill my whole tank with it i want to maybe get a 100lbs and do a little mixing of rock.
Wahooooo !! i found someone moving and not being able to tank their tank with them i bought 105lbs of live Fiji rock from him with all kinds of purple/pink growth on it for $200, less than half what the LFS wanted to charge just for the Fiji rock with no growth on it.:bounce:
their are a few pieces of rock that has a little green algae on it whats the process to remove it ?? can you just brush it with a scrub brush with fresh water ???
Scrub it off and rinse it in saltwater.Any life on and in the rock will die with freshwater-i.e brittle stars,pods,bristleworms.
Sump question !!! this is the wet/dry sump im using should i place live rock under the Bio balls?? i see pics of people doing so is their a benefit???


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