Green Chromis


Reefing newb
hey guys,

so my tank has been cyclingfor about a week now. i took some water to my LFS and they tested it and said its stable enough to put some hardy fish in. i took 3 green chromis and added them in. i acclimated them for about 45 minutes. i floated the bag for about 15 minutes and then added a cup of water every 5-10 minutes until the bag was full. i also took 4 blue legged hermits and did the same thing. its been about 24 hours now and i'm not sure if the fish are exactly thriving. they're all at the back of the tank behind the rocks and dont seem to moving from there.

any ideas?
Your fish are stressing out because the tank hasn't finished cycling yet! Have you tested your water? What are the readings? You should never cycle your tank with fish in it. Take them back to your LFS asap. They will probably suffer a fairly fast death. Sorry.
just give them some time, they'll get used to the new tank soon enough...

if you notice them breathing hard,not swimming evenly, not eating, gasping at the water surface, etc, then you have something to worry about.
Ya, I wouldn't be putting fish in there. There are better ways to cycle your tank rather than killing innocent fish. Like a small piece of table shrimp.

But even if your water was ready, don't be surprised if you eventually end up with only 1 chromis.
It's fairly common for them to fight each other to the death.
How is your tank set up?
If you used good cured like rock,then it is possible that you had a quick cycle thats already done.If thats the case,then its just gonna take a couple of days for your chromis to get comfortable.
How is your tank set up?
If you used good cured like rock,then it is possible that you had a quick cycle thats already done.If thats the case,then its just gonna take a couple of days for your chromis to get comfortable.

well, unfortunately i lost 1 already... :neutral:.. found him stuck to the intake of the powerhead. but as soon as i took him out the other two have been A LOT more lively. they're at te front of the tank now eating away. it was strange, the one that kicked the bucket was always swimming around the corner while these other two were always together somewhere in the rocks. now that the single one is gone the two wont leave the front of the tank.


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That's typical chromis behavior -- one will always be a loner, but maybe follow occasionally. My 3 are like that.

Did you use live rock and live sand to cycle? +1 everyone that it was too soon for you to add fish, unless you did use live rock and live sand (and even then, there's still chances of mini-cycles). Sorry you lost one. It's possible the other 2 bullied him to death. Chromis are notorious for killing each other off (but they leave other fish alone).
Yeah,Thats typical of Chromis.
I had 3 but after a couple of weeks the loner died.The other 2 are doing fine.
Chromis are supposed to be a hardy fish.But they tend to be tough to acclimate for some reason.Thats one reason that I've quit recommending them as hardy fish at the store.