Yellow Polyps


Fish Wrangler
Anyone want some, I have had these for just a few weeks an they are really starting to bud out, so anyone near the south want some of these? They are already out to like... 2 separate frags from the original. Just giving them away and my LFS wont do a credit or take em.

Are those the long tentacle yellow colony polyps? I have been planning on getting some of those. Although, I'm not sure how long of a drive it is to Tuscaloosa
yeah they are longer tentacles , I'll get some photos, and Smitty I will work with you on something, maybe shipping or hell i head north all the time, how close are you to Kentucky ish area?

EDIT: Where is Hillsboro? I pass through TN a lot and wouldn't mind meeting you just for sake of the corals.
Hillsboro is about halfway between Chatanooga and Nashville on I-24. It's right next door to Manchester. And yep those are the ones I was planning on ordering next. Come on by. I'll get the grill ready and the beer cold.
I can probably make that trip in like... 3 hours ish. I will be headed that way in about 2 weeks. How big of a frag are you looking for, these just started budding out, I have a small colony of like 4 or 6 and another one that is slightly larger maybe 10. Should be more in a few weeks. But ill keep these growing for you and set aside. =D
Alright then Smitty and VAreef. I will get the frags ready for you two, and let them finish growing a bit, then off they go.

EDIT: I am also happy that you guys are willing to take these, especially Smitty, since you are so graciously paying for shipping. Again, let me know how big you want them before I get them ready.
Cool deal. I'm not a choosy begger LOL but will take whatever you want to get rid of. I've also got a brown polyp colony, while not to great to look at, if you want in trade. Just lemme know when and I'll make sure your well fed while your here.
I can tell you are from the south, the one thing we focus on is making sure people are well fed when they come and visit. haha, I am the same way...
Also, may swap with you on the brown polyps, if you are just looking to trade or try something new, these guys will start splitting on you very quickly though, I'm going from dot to full (but small) polyp within just a few days of noticing it. I can see 3 new ones forming now.

How are the browns, just the same?
I've got 2 rocks of brown polyps and they spread the same way. I actually have to many of the brown ones don't want em taking over the tank. The green in em is cool when the actinics are on but otherwise the color is kinda eh.
These have that brownish yellow tint, they seem to be getting more yellow and I hope they do get a little more. But if you just want to frag swap that's fine, I wasn't charging anyways ;)
This is one of the frags, sorry for the bad quality pic, I am having trouble getting my camera to focus for some reason.


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where do you have those placed as far as lighting and flow?? also, do you feed them? My yellow polyps havent grown at all since i got them... the polyps themselves grew larger but no new budding.
mine are sitting under 4 T5 bulbs, on the top of my rock (about 8 or 9 inches from surface). No I do not feed them as I am pretty sure they are entirely photosynthetic. I may be wrong about that though as I have seen food stick to them and then disappear though I have never really watched the full process. They have a very light flow pushing over them, enough to keep their tentacles moving ever so slightly.

Wat stays at 80 degrees, SG at 1.026, Lights stay on for 10 hours a day, I add supplements on a three day schedule, and change 17% of the water every week.

Maybe that will help so you can compare things, I am not really sure what makes them bud.
Well, can I get in line for the next time you frag? It didn't sound like you wanted to ship, so I didn't say anything. I too, would be glad to pay shipping. And there's no hurry or anything. Coffeebean
Sure thing coffee, I have no problem shipping, I just wasn't sure about the procedure really for shipping, but I have no problem trying it. I got some more LR rubble today to frag onto so I'll get these things procreating! I'll let you know when there are at least 6 or so on a piece and well go from there.