Leather coral


Reefing newb
I picked up a purple toadstool leather coral over the weekend, only because it was a good price and looked neat, and from what I understand is an easier coral to keep for newbies. It has a stem about 6" then a purple top. It came unmounted, and I'm wondering how I can mount it. The sales guy suggested I just prop it up, someone else suggested I cut the stem (really?) and mount it. Gluing has been suggested as has just letting it sit somewhere until it takes hold itself.

Any experience and what would you suggest I do to mount it? Thanks.
Superglue doesn't work too well, because the mucus/slime from the coral will push the glue off...you could place it in a crevice and let it take hold to a rock, but you may want to move it later, and it'll be attached to a rock that you probably won't be able to move...you can try some needle and thread, just sew the coral to a small piece of rock or rubble, it will not hurt the coral...I've done this method several times with my softies corals.
When i frag my leathers I dont just super glue right to the plug i make a circle so it almost bowls around the frag and it will attack to the plug itself in the middle
i sew all my xenia when i make a frag of them for the lfs. it is the only way to make shure they stay on the rock rubble
Crazy glue will burn the coral. YOu can set it in a plastic dish on a pice of rubble for a week or so, it will attach as long as it stays still. YOu can put a stitch in it too, like the oters said. I use the rubberband method, strap it on to a small rock not too tight, it will hold it for you and then remove it after about two weeks.
Here's a pic. It may in fact be something else for all I know. The LFS guy wasn't too knowledgeable about corals. They had others all high in the tank so that's where I mounted mine as well. It seems to be happy.


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Can you possibly use a small rubberband and wrap it around the rock. tight enough to hold it but not so tight that you're squeezing it to death. I've seen other things fragged like this, not sure if it's possible with a toadstool.

Once it's connected to the rock, just snip the rubberband.
Ah okay. It's hard to say what kind of leather it is when it's that small -- probably a toadstool leather. But if it's rubbery, I'd say the ID of a leather is correct.

I actually have one that is purple in my tank. I don't know what kind of leather it is, but it's very purple with large pea-sized bumps on its surface.
The top of this one is smooth, but appears perforated almost. It's a cool colour I think. It does keep falling over on its own even with the base stuck in a crevice. Should I just let it go like this and see what happens?
It should have polyps on the top that extend; they may stay retracted for a week as it gets acclimated. Yea, just let it fall over, it will grow towards the light like a flower.
It is a dirty thread... Not as dirty as the other sites I frequent. j/k

It's lifting itself back up now, no polyps yet though. We'll see what happens.
So almost a week (tomorrow night) and nothing has changed. The leather does perk up in the light and drops when the lights go out. I haven't seen any of the polyps come out. The colour is looking good.