Idol thread

Gorgeous fish :) I hope he does well! Keep us posted. My hubby knows better than to buy livestock w/o me. He wouldn't know how to set up the drip acclimation anyway.
Real sponge may work, but from what I read the sponge will need to be firmly planted down, also they apparently have voracious appetites for live sponge just sitting in the tank. They will just eat and eat and eat...


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Good to know, I'd do your research quick, apparently they can go downhill fast from what I've read, try to keep everything pristine for him, not that you are not already, just saying... Anyways nice pics.
Thats a great looking Idol Ursula.

I think I would try the live sponges.Just rig up some way to hold the sponge to a rock.Then your Idol can eat until its all gone.Just make sure to get another sponge before he finishes what he's already got.
Tree sponges will work great.So will ball and vase sponges.
Just when you add the sponges to your tank,make sure not to expose them to the air at all.That why their alive when the idol is eating them.
Thanks Yote. I'm looking into them. This is certainly a group effort! I appreciate all the help. He's still doing well...:x:
Thats a great looking Idol Ursula.

I think I would try the live sponges.Just rig up some way to hold the sponge to a rock.Then your Idol can eat until its all gone.Just make sure to get another sponge before he finishes what he's already got.

Do you think I could do a ball sponge...or tree sponge...and put it in between the crevices of two rocks? I guess I'm just wondering why it has to be attached to a rock. I can't just put it down on the sand? Thanks.