Duncan Coral Dead?


Reefing newb
Got a single head of Duncan coral on saturday night. While trying to remove it with a small knife from the tile, it came loose and took a little fall on my counter, ever since then it has retracted COMPLETELY....been a few days now and still hasn't opened even the slightest. Check out this picture...(im a noob at corals) is it dead? What does a dead coral even look like? All my other corals usually open after a few hours of acclimating them....if it is still possibly alive...advice to help it out? I've tried a few different places in the tank to move it to....moderate flow moderate light right now. Other corals I currently have- mushrooms, xenia, frogspawn, and zoos....all are doing good! Thanks for any help guys....I really wanted this coral to pull through, my favorite!


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