Idol thread


Got Fish?
That's Moorish Idol...not American Idol. :)

Okay, so my husband did a cute/stupid thing. I've been going on and on about the Moorish Idol they had at our LFS. I've been looking things up on the internet and chatting with my Living Reef friends. Well, I was doubting my skill at having one...and I was agreeing with everyone that mentioned they're best left in the ocean.

While I was at rehearsal, my husband went and bought it. I got home and he had it in the tank. Sweet? Yes. Dumb? Yes. UGH. His thought was...someone had to buy might have a short life...but that he'd have a good life in our tank. Cute? Yes. Good life? Doubtful. UGH again. He didn't stop to think that if we buy encourages our LFS to keep them in stock...:frustrat:

Any-who. He's here now. I'm nervous as hell. I called our LFS this morning...and they said he was eating mysis shrimp and frozen sponges. He looks thin to me...but I am happy to report he has eaten both items...and appears to be acting like a happy fish.

If anyone has any helpful tips/suggestions...I'd LOVE to hear them. :twocents:
Did I mention I am nervous as hell? :shock:

When the time is right, I'm going to explain to my husband to please not do that again and why! Now is not the time...I'm sure I'd hurt his feelings.

He is a boyz named him Ivan. He's already a part of the family. :)



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Thanks Nemo2010. This article has the information I've been recently finding that made me want to leave the Idol where it was. I really have no doubt it's going to die sooner rather than later. :( But it's I'm going to make the best of it. I am close with my I'm going to be certain to mention my experience to them...and make a recommendation not to order anymore. It upsets me on a larger scale that they CAN order them. You think that they'd only be sold to large, professional aquariums. Really, what's wrong with only offering 'the poor mans idol' to LFS for home aquarists? It's sooooooooo frustrating!
Well I hope he works out for you since it's a gorgeous fish. Do you have any large aquariums in your city that you can donate the fish to if it starts getting too skinny or not eating?
Really good thought coolhandgoose! The closest aquairium is Boston. It's a few hours away. If I thought he'd make the trip, I'd do it. I'm keeping that in mind. Thanks.
Thanks. My fingers are VERY crossed too! :)

I'm in A Year With Frog And Toad. It's a small cast musical. I'm Turtle. The sarcastic/slightly obnixous one. People tell me I'm really good at it. Go figure! ;)
This could be the love child of LR! I love the fish, and I really hope he ends up great. Here are some tid bits I found.

The major concern I have seen listed is not getting them to eat, but making sure they are eating the proper diet. Many people are saying that the diet needs a good supplement of the sponge. I would try to stay on top of daily feeding so he gets the right nutrition intake. Other than that, watch for changes in his "Banner". If he starts declining, his banner will show some of the first symptoms, tearing, fraying, etc.

Other than that best of luck to you. It really is an amazing fish and I want it to survive for you.
Thanks for a splash of 'the glass is 1/2 full' Cathic! He is a BEAUTY!

I have given him sponge twice and he does eat quite a bit of it. I fed him the Angelfish Frozen Sponge Product. Does anyone know if they're another kind I could also supplement with? Maybe I should do a little internet searching? I would be psyched if I found an Idol Frozen Sponge product. Wishful thinking I bet.

I am going to check out the Moorish Idol info on Reef Central to see if I can find any tidbits. But I want everyone to know, my :heartpump will still be here! lol