Got a deal on blue start polyps


Reefing newb
I was cruising through my LFS today a found an interesting piece of LR covered in blue flower looking things. When I grabbed the sales guy he told me they were blue star polyps and shouldn't be in the LR tank, but in the coral tank. He offered to sell me for $2! I brought them home.
Apparently the guy just before me bought a bunch of LR and left this piece because the other sales guy didn't know what it was and he didn't want to take a chance. Basically, I got a frag for $2 regular $39.
keep the rock away from all your other rocks that you don't want it to grow on and t'll be fine.

although if they really are blue I'd take a frag of 'em. :D congrats!
I got a small frag of blue star polyps from a fellow reefer here a few weeks ago! When they grow and spread, they are truly stunning. They are one of the few really blue corals that you see in this hobby, and that is an amazing score. Congrats!
Thanks guys, I'm excited about the purchase. If they grow as quickly as everyone says they do then I'll be selling frags for sure! I'll keep you all posted.

They're a really dark blue, and look like a snowflake.
Here's a couple of pics, one's a little blurry. They're small polyps and hard to get a good picture of, especially on a bow front tank which seems to distort everything.

I threw in a couple of other pics too. Since I glued my zoo frag down today also. Is that a normal amount of algae growth in/around a zoo? They sure are multiplying quickly.


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That's a lot of algae. It's going to smother those corals out and kill them. You should remove it by hand -- just grab it and pluck it out. Keep up with it. It looks like it's isolated on that rock, so the algae probably came with the rock, since the rest of your tank looks nice and clean. If it was a problem with your tank, or your water quality, I think you'd be seeing it on other rocks as well.