Which positions in the light fixture should come on together?


Reef enthusiast
So, i've built a new light fixture... It holds 16 - 54 watt 48 inch t5 bulbs. they are arranged in 2 colums, 8 rows. the 2 colums slightly overlap in the middle.

which bulb positions should come on together?

The limitations are: I have 3 ballasts that can fire 4 bulbs, so there must be 3 "groups" of 4 bulbs that come on at the same... and i also have 2 more ballasts that each fire 2 bulbs... so there must be 2 groups that fire 2 bulbs together...

aditionally, i would like to know peoples opinions on which bulbs that i have should go into which positions...the bulbs that i have are as follows:
(approx 6 months old)
1 - wave point "sun wave"
1 - wave point "red wave"
1 - coralife "color max"
2 - UV lighting "454"
1 - UV lighting "super actinic"
1 - SPS "pure actinic actinic-03 420nm"
1 - SPS "deep-water 20,000k 460nm"

and the new bulbs that i have are:
2 - Hagen "marine-glo actinic"
2 - Hagen "power-glo 18,000k"
2 - Hagen "life-glo 6700k"
2 - Giesemann "powerchrome pure actinic"

I've made a sketch of the layout of the bulbs mounting locations so we can all speak the same language when identifying the positions...


  • 210 fixture bulb layout.JPG
    210 fixture bulb layout.JPG
    21.5 KB · Views: 481
  • photo2 fixture skinned with colored bulb lines.jpg
    photo2 fixture skinned with colored bulb lines.jpg
    48.7 KB · Views: 805
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well, I dunno how to assign the bulbs, but what I'd do is have the 2 2-bulb ballasts set with two of the "bluer" bulbs each, on all 4 corners of the light assembly (so 1 blue bulb/corner) and have those ones come on first as the "morning" lights. :)

Beyond that, I have no idea. but cool DIY, good work!
I would alternate outwards, stronger lights in the center such as your powerglos, etc.

Ten start alternating to your lowest, Powerglow, actinic, 10k's, actinic, 6500k's, actinic. etc.
do you have an account on rc? if so go to the t5 questions and answers grimreefer is one of the best at bulb combos. but i would play with the lights. but put that 65k in the center if you put it toward the front the tank will look more yellow.

i would try
than two other attinics
neat idea tanked... i hadnt thought about that....

cathic: I dont understand alternating... can you please explain further? perhaps give me some locations by colum and row # so i can make sure i'm understanding?

no i dont have an account on rc, should i start one? everything i've heard is that its really not worth my time... why is it that putting the 6500k bulbs more forward will make the tank look more yellow? Please understand i'm not moking or anything, i'm genually asking cause i dont understand why it would happen...
i cant explane it but you will see the yellow color of the 65k first if you put a bluer color infron of them it changes the color that you see and the other reason for me is that you get great growth from the 65k and most of the corals are not in the fron of the tank usually they are in the middle to the back. i am shure reeffreak can explain the position of the bulbs better than i can.
i played with mine quit a bit until i found a color that i like. first i tried all my blues in the front and it looked to blue so i put a ATI aquablue special than a UVL 75/25, aquablue+ GE 65k, ATI aquablue+, ATI aquablue special, than 2 ATI aquablue+
when you say 65k do you mean 6500k? just wanna make sure we're talking about the same thing... cause for all iknow there are bulbs out there that i havent found yet.... but i think i'm starting to see what you mean about the colors vs the positions...

if the yellower bulb is more to the front, then that light will get diffused in the water at the front of the tank and that will "mask" the bluer light in the back, if you put the yellower bulbs in the back and the bluer ones in the front, then the water will seem less lit and the objects will receive more light, cause the bluer the light the less it gets dispursed by the water, and thus you can then see deeper into the tank... something like that???
nevermind, i just remembered why i never joined RC.. sorry sob's have it set up so that no matter what mistake you make, mispelled referrer, it dosent like that you left your experience line blank, anything, and your retyping passwords and email addresses and the captchya's over again... F 'em...

i was gonna join, and ask grimreefer about it, but now, to hell with it... if they cant code thier pages any better than that, then they dont need me over there, cause i can garuntee that i wont be around long... i'll either get kicked off for telling them how screwed up thier stuff is, or just get so frustrated i never go back...
Project, I feel your pain with RC. They have some lame rules as well. However they have loads of people with very specific knowledge. I don't hang out there much, but do read through some of the interesting threads. Also a good place to find local reffers getting out and pick up some deals. Just hold your tongue, get what you need and get out.
Project. I hope you don't mind I just copy and pasted it over to see what kind of response you get on this. As I get them I will copy and paste back to this thread.
yea, i dont have that in me, "playing" nice feels to me like lieing to someone, giving them a false impression of your mental state... just be real with me and honest and all is well.. know what i mean..

on the other side of the coin, i do understand what your sayin, i just dont have the acting skills...

(this is normally where people ask me if i wanna play poker)
well, in a haste to try and get ready to install the light fixture i just wired them together as follows, (i had some unexpected help that then bailed out on me)

so, what i have wired up for now is col A and B 1 and 2 is a group, then the 3's together is a 2 bulb group, then the 4's and 5's together is the second 4 bulb bunch, then the 6's is the next group, and then finally the 7's and 8's are tied together to make the last 4 bulb group...

so depending on what other suggestions i can get, i'm thinking for now that i may put the actinics in the 2-2bulb groups and bring them on together like a 4 bulb group as my "first light" and then spread the other bulbs out getting closer and closer in spectrum to the 6500k's, making them the last to come on, and probably positioning them about the middle of the tank, front to back...

i dunno, but since my help flaked out, i have 2-3 days till i'll have help again, so i can allways change it, cause all it takes is a few wirenuts.. hehehehe