My xenia


Reefing newb
Hello, i am new to the forum!
Here is a pic of my xenia's. I am not sure whats wrong, if anything is wrong. However they look different then usual, and have for some time now. I checked all my level in my water and everything seems to be fine.. maybe it is stress?


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Mine do that when I mess with them..a little while later they go right back to normal. No big deal.

I can't say for sure, becasue I don't know but I think it might be the way the Xenia blows up the stems to get them to stand up...Kinda like a balloon. Don't quote me on that because it's just my theory. But if you notice, when they do that the stems are never extended, once the stems go up, the stalk "deflates"
+1 PRC
If a fish swims too closely to them they will do that from the water current change. When it dies, it will begin to look like it's melting. It looks okay to me.
I have never been able to keep them in my tank they seem to start to die within a week or so. It doesnt matter if I put them in moderate, strong or no current at all. I have a few friends that hasn't had any luck keeping them and have had some that do well. good luck with yours.
I have had mine for about 3 months and have been fine till just recently.. So hopefully they will perk up ... I really like them
I would recommend keeping them on that rock and keeping the rock separate from the other rocks. They will really spread and spread quickly once they get adjusted to your tank. I loved my little piece when I first got it too. Now over half of one of my tanks (RSM) is just a garden of Xenia.
I would recommend keeping them on that rock and keeping the rock separate from the other rocks. They will really spread and spread quickly once they get adjusted to your tank. I loved my little piece when I first got it too. Now over half of one of my tanks (RSM) is just a garden of Xenia.
yeah they are on that rock on top of another rock that is in the center of my tank, i have that rock set up like a cove .
I would recommend keeping them on that rock and keeping the rock separate from the other rocks. They will really spread and spread quickly once they get adjusted to your tank. I loved my little piece when I first got it too. Now over half of one of my tanks (RSM) is just a garden of Xenia.

Trust me david that will not stop them they spread like crazy they will drop their heads to start new colonies
The thing about xenia,is its going to thrive and take over the tank,or it'll just melt away.Dont seem like there is any in between with them.

The last xenia I tryed to keep,did decent for a couple of months,then just melted away.
Sorry I can be of any more help than that.