My first zoo polyps


Reefing newb
I couldn't resist when I was at the LFS last weekend and a sign that said assorted frags $14. I asked and they pointed me to my choice of 2-3" zoo polyps. I bought one and bought it home, it's doing well. I set it on top of a flat rock mid to high in the tank. Do I need to use some sort of adhesive to attach the rock it's on to my rock? It has slipped off a couple of times, and I'm worried this may harm it eventually. The LFS said just to drop it wherever and it will eventually attach. What would you suggest I do?

As a side note, these exact same polyps same size are selling for $70 at my other LFS. I think I got a decent deal, hard to tell. I thought it was priced right to try out as my first.


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Yeah that would be a 20 dollar frag around here easy

I would bet that the other LFS is missmarked. Nobody in their right mind would pay 70 bucks for a frag of zoanthids that small unless they were some unusual color morph.

You can use superglue gel to attach it to a the rock or just kind of wedge it between two rocks.
You will need to attach it somehow, if it keeps falling it will cause the zoanthids to stop opening. I prefer the epoxy putty sticks from the hardware store to super glue. Get the kind that cures underwater.
Thanks for the quick responses.

So I don't need to worry about it being a marine safe adhesive and buy it from the LFS?
No. You will get ripped off and pay 4 times as much for the same product if you buy it at the LFS. You can get epoxy putty at the hardware store for $3 to $5 a stick.
I've just wedged mine between the rocks. As they start to multiply they will take over an area in due time. The you can start fragging the things and make your money back. If you want thwm in a certain area that you can't wedge them in, like you have them, then get the putty like Biff said. That will hold them in place and you will still achieve the same effect.
Those are some good looking zoas Tw.
I usually do like Bj and Fast.I'll find a place to wedge them in so they dont keep getting blown off the rocks.