My Female Clown


Stop Quoting Me!
My female clown (mated pair) takes no crap from nobody. I've had them for about a week now, and they got used to the tank pretty quickly. I went up today and bought 2 peppermint shrimp..She's cornered the biggest one into a hole in the rock and she won't let his little ass out!! It's hilarious.

He started poking his head around, doing his shrimply duty and she turned on him and chased him into a rock, (I had no idea shrimp were so fast) He comes back out, she chases him back in the hole.

So I go over to see what's going on, and she has the poor bastard cornered. She has gotten real comfortable with me at the glass already, she sees me and runs headfirst into the glass!!

She obviously woke up in a mood. Here's a pic of her waiting for him to come out!!:D


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How awesome is this hobby? It is so much fun to watch these animals interact. Clowns are great to watch, and can be as agressive (almost) as damsels. The can even switch sexes, which is pretty darn cool in its own right.
+1 Navarchus

I've been diving on some of the most incredible reefs in the world. But you just don't have the time to sit there and watch all the little creatures.

I'm in complete aah watching my tank and really there isn't much to see just yet.
With a reef tank I can sit and watch for hours without running out of air..:shock:

This hobby is truly amazing
You just wait until she gets bigger.You haven't even seen vicious yet.It may come a time when this really going to piss you off.

Good luck with yours.