mangrove or not??

What dcan said!

They also don't grow as fast as something like Chaetomorpha so they don't soak up the nitrates and stuff as much... you would need a lot of them. But they look cool. You also need the room in the fuge for their root system to grow.
you could allways have one growing "hydroponically" just poke a hole in a small block of flating foam, poke the plant through, and let the roots just dangle in the water.... the one thing that i have heard over and over about mangroves is to keep the salt off the leaves, supposedly it hurts them...
Yea, I've read that as well . they say all you have to do is spray the leave's with a spray bottle like 1 to 2 time's a week (no problem) I'm gonna try them..thank's
you could allways have one growing "hydroponically" just poke a hole in a small block of flating foam, poke the plant through, and let the roots just dangle in the water.... the one thing that i have heard over and over about mangroves is to keep the salt off the leaves, supposedly it hurts them...

That's typically the only way to do it, and how I have mine because the seedlings are too short. Now i have a bunch of floating roots taking up most of my fuge. And 6 months later have just a couple leaves to show for it. Sloooooooow.
My fuge is a 20H with about 6" or 7" of fine sand on the bottom. The water is another 6" or 7" and then it goes out the bulk head and into the sump.

I have been thinking about a mangrove forest in one corner of that fuge. But I need help. How much sand depth do they need?

How much water depth?

Light intensity and duration?

What color light spectrum do they need?

Flow? Light flow or wild flow?
well, i would think that most any reddish spectrum bulb like a 3000k or maybe even 4100k at the most, and i would probably think 12 hours and moderate to strong intensity.. as for the depths, well, you'll be "repotting" it over time, but you can start out pretty shallow on the sand, and the water can just be enough to cover the sand and have some movement, as for how much movement, i wouldnt think they would have to have much but some would be good, they are a swamp dwelling plant, so they are gonna be used to marshy swampy hot bright and simi stagnant conditions....
Can they be potted in 7" of water though? I can get 12" tall mangroves locally. So I guess after potting they might stick out of the water 3 or 4 inches.

Will that work or would I need to put a baffle in the fuge and build up a deeper sand bed so they are only 2 or 3 inches under the water?

Here's my 20H fuge


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yea RC, I read that you don't exactly put them "in" the substrate you sort of wedge them with a ( ?porise?) rock with the root's slightly under the substrate and let them go from there..if I'm wrong someone let me know, as i'm a mangrove virgin..:Buds: