treadwater 75G tank

few additions, a cabbage coral and a small frag of candycane

i really gotta get my SLR camera back from the shop. we had a mishap with it and its in for repairs


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so its been some time since i added anything to this post... also been a long time since iv posted on the site. i just got sidetracked in life for a bit... im back now and i know ya all missed me... ( lol what a load of BS hey?1.. :) )

anyway i will be posting pics of my 75Gal just to show everyone how it has matured over the last few months. i have only lost my candy-canes due to contact with an anemone that decided to move around for a bit, as well as my 2 favorite cleaner shrimp... i went to Jamaica for a week and came home to find them no longer in the tank. i do believe the anemone got to them as well :( . i also seem to have acquired a few aiptasia which i will kill off or boil off before moving the LR from the 75 to the 90. a local friend will take my 75 for a larger fresh tank for himself

everything else is doing fine though. i now have a small amount of green algae on my glass which i am now eradicating ( simple fix ) seems the folks were slightly overfeeding while i was away from home.

im am now beginning a new 90Gal project. reason for this is the 75 was not a reef-ready tank and i do not like the lack of ability the HOB skimmer is doing . i have a 35 gal tank at my disposal so i will turn it into a sump / fuge for the new 90gal tank. i am also going to build a DIY tank stand finished with custom woodwork and doors.

so stay tuned for pics of the existing 75Gall tank.. i will be asking a few questions along the way on the new 90gal setup and pics / story to follow as i build her up :)
well heres a few pics of the tank..i took a lot of shots but some turned out really dark..the Nikon D80 slr is a nice camera... i think its smarte then i am for sure. many pics turned out very dark :(

Hmmm attachment system for pics giving me a 505 error...guess ild try uploading pics later
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75gal tank pictures by tarapaca - Photobucket

link to latest tank pics.
i only posted the ones that semi turned out. i really need to figure out my camera settings.

got the new 90 gal tank in the house now.
looking at a Reef octopus or Vortex skimmer...leaning to the Reef Octopus. if anyone has better suggestions and reasons why they think perhaps a different skimmer would be better suited for this 90 gal lemme hear it.. :)

will be starting the stand this weekend i think. ( will take pics ) the stand will have a built in bookcase on one side to hold dry foods and reading / manual materials

also there will be a new RO/DI unit with O/T and a 35 gal 3 section sump / fuge

i can get MH lighting really cheap as i am an electrician and can get the fixtures / ballasts from a local distibutor, but am looking at LED. so lighting is still up in the air for now

more to come.....
still workin on getting all my things in order to build this 90 the wife is thinking we should go bigger right off the bat...130 to 150 gal.

so till i can get her to figure out just how big we are going to go, things have been held up a tad.

in the meantime i picked up a small starfish...and the wife has always liked blue chin triggers. thats all fine and dandy but i like the cleaner shrimp and such, guess i wont be buying any of those while the trigger is in the tank

pics to come shortly
i was told today from my LFS that triggers would surely eat any shrimp i put into the tank?...if you disagree ild be more inclined to follow your thoughts as i know your opinions around here are often based on knowledge not hearsay
No, not all triggers. Some, such as pink tail, blue chin, niger and crosshatch are usually invert safe. I had a pink tail in my reef for years, and several people on this site have kept blue chins in their reefs.
right, was aware of that point. like i posted above, the 90 i was going to build will probably be a larger tank now.

the trigger we got is only about 1.5 inches in size right now and housed in the 75gal.

it wont be long before hes moved into a much larger tank
well there sits the tank, picked up a Reef Octopus xp-1000sss skimmer . as well as a new vertex ro/di unit 100gpd.

now if the weather was not so darn cold here ild get workin on the tank stand and get this thing
still need to pick up a few items like a return pump. was probably going to use a "quiet one" pump.

got all my bulkheads ready, still need a bit of pipe and a few fittings.

got my tax return today, so i think this weekend will be a small shopping spree of tank parts...hehe


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