Green Clove Polyp White Edges


Reefer Madness
Green polyp Clove turning white?

Maybe there is nothing wrong (?) but we have a green polyp clove, a colony of about 18 heads (ok, exactly 18 heads!). One of the heads has been rolled up like a fist and white, but stayed out even at night when the others have closed up.

Today I notice 2 others, while fully open have this bright white cast to it. We've had them about 2 months and the tank parameters are fairly stable. I have them on the bottom of my 28g cube. Is there something wrong or just the nature of the Clove polyp?
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

It'll be hard to say for sure on that one Davis
But I'm guessing that its just the coloration of the polyp tentacles.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

They will close up from time to time, especially if you have just fed the tank and they get ahold of some, or if your crabs go cruising through them. It's probably nothing to be concerned about.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

+1 Biff, I just noticed the title. The fact that they are closed is no big deal, but if they're turning white, that could be something...
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

I'll try to get a picture. Only one is staying closed up, but not in the normal way. When all of the other polyps were completely closed and retracted, this particular one remained elongated, but curled up on top.

Maybe you're right Justin, and it just had a mouthful!

I'll try to get a picture tonight, Sarah,

I didn't have a chance to look this AM, 12 degrees, late for work and no caffeine yet!

Thanks all.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

Here's a healthy pic of it after the lights came on. Some were still opening, but notice there is no white on any of the polyps. Just green center and tawny brown fringe. I'll get another picture tonight to contrast. Consider this a baseline photo!


  • CloveOpen.jpg
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Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

Green polyp clove? I have that same thing and thought it was xenia. It grows really fast.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

Actually, though they look similar, the GCP and Xenia are two different things. You can tell the difference because each polyp of the clove polyps extends from its own base attached to the LR. Xenia's polyps grow from a trunk. All of the polyps attach to the same trunk and the trunk attaches to the LR. It's like the difference between a palm tree and an oak tree.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

OK, here's the new pic. Not the best pic, but notice the majority are normal, one is curled up (3 days now), and 2 have a white edge, sort of at the 11 and 4 o'clock position. Is this normal?


  • CIMG2838.JPG
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Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

They dont look to be un-healthy.Maybe their just trying to change colors? :dunno:
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

Had them almost 2 months. Seem to be doing well. Probably 4 to 5 new polyps in that time, just that one that has been closed for a few days, and the 2 fringing white had me a little concerned.

Maybe I'm being over vigilant after losing my little Goby a ways back!
Thanks Justin, Yote

I'll keep a close eye on them.
Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

I know this thread is very old but that is in my favor if the author is still around :) What was the end result or summation of the problem?

I am experiencing the same things right now and was curious. All other corals are happy and tank levels all score perfect.

Calcium 480
KH 9
PH 8.2
Temp 79F
Salinity 1.026
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate .5

Re: Green polyp Clove turning white?

LOL, just happened to be on. I lost those some time ago. :( Everything else was thriving fairly well. I was actually battling a red turf algae episode (well documented here!), and was doing frequent and large water changes. One thought was that the water was almost too clean, no floaties for it to enjoy. Your tank is fairly new? Maybe some target feeding? The experts may know! What kind of light do you have. Med light/med flow is all it needs.
Nice thank's for the quick reply. So I guess you are saying that you lost it in the end? The white edges proved to be the beginning of the end?

I have been target feeding from day one. Not too often of course but enough to promote some healthy growth. Started with 6 Polyps and now have 11.

Tanks is only 3 months old, that is including the month it took to cycle.

FYI the red turf algae link did not come through. I would be interested in reading up on that.

Thanks again.

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