Above Tank Fuge Ideas.


I'm trying to set up a 5 gallon as a mini-fuge approx. 1.5' above my 20 long display. Ditched building a sump idea and figured all I want now is a mini-fuge to pack with chaeto and copepods.

I'm trying my best not to have to drill the tank although I can imagine it's probably an easier approach. I'm hoping to just use an additional powerhead in my main tank to return water up to the 5G.

I really don't have a clue as to how to set this up so...i'm just throwing these designs out there...please! I need ideas lol.

The 2nd picture is a closed system besides from one opening in the fuge and one in the main tank. I have no idea if this system could technically work but I just drew it up for fun.

Thanks guys.


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  • AboveFuge2.webp
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This is similar to how I have my refugium, except it's connected to my sump. It's slightly higher than the sump, so water returns to the sump via gravity, and is pumped to the fuge using a MaxiJet. You will need to figure out some way to get the water from the fuge to the tank below it. Either drilling or an overflow box. If you use a plastic container as the fuge, then it will be easy to put a hole in the side for the overflow. As you can, in my setup the fuge is a round tub. I just put a hole in the side with a hole saw.

Here is a picture of my setup.
PS -- you are basically doing the exact same thing you'd have to do to set up a sump. Except your two tanks are plumbed opposite :)
Best way is to drill it. I know you didn't want to hear that but it really is. If you use a syphon overflow you need a way to keep the syphon etc. Just spend the 30-40 bucks to have a glass guy make an overflow hole for piece of mind.
a couple things to consider...

running the fuge above the display tank will benifit your system in that the pods wont be getting thrashed by the pump on thier way down to the display tank...
but that also means, that the fuge will become the constant level tank and the display tank water level will fall as evap happens... just something to think about...

Pringles: Your second design isnt gonna work like you want it to...
your first design could use a little tweaking, i see that you have a valve on the downhill side, i would caution you to be carefull if you decide to do that... having a valve there is fine for maint. purposes, but dont use it for any kind of flow regulation or you'll end up overflowing your fuge, and potentially pumping your main tank way down towards empty.(depending on how you configure the pump placement)

I think your best bet is to use something that you can work with, either a plastic bucket, or a container, or sometihng, or do what i did, order yourself a $15 glass hole saw off ebay, buy yourself a 15 tank, and drill it yourself... i drilled a 10 gal, and it works perfectly, have you seen the pictures of the fuge i have on my 75gal system? that would be the ideal setup for your over tank fuge. no syphon, no crap, just simple, easy to work on, and cheap.