Sump Ideas


Living Reefs Student
I need the forum's help with building my sump/fuge.

I attached my plans so you guys can take a look. What I have now is a tank with one set of baffles (the ones on the right), but I want to make it a little better.

So here's what I want to do.....

- the water will flow in and pass through some sort of filter (What should I use? bio balls a filter sock....ect) The skimmer will work in this section too.

- The second stage will be the fuge. Sand and rubble will cover the bottom and cheato will go on top, and i might throw in the baby snails, so they don't become crab snacks.

- On the baffle between the second and third stage sand will fill the space (as seen in pic). I'm not sure if this will work, i'm hoping the water will flow through it trapping most of the particles traveling through it.

Will this work? I poured some sand in my sump and it stayed put. :scratchch

- And finally it's pumped back into the tank.

So do you guys think this will work, and are there any ideas or suggestions?


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You don't have your baffles positioned correctly to stop the microbubbles. Here is a pic of my 10g fuge for example. Also, you don't need to have a filter sock or bioballs for the water in section.

Thanks for the ideas, I was hoping i wouldn't have to add a prefilter. And what type of bulb are you using on that lamp? and should the sump be covered on top?

Well micro-bubbles weren't the problem, it's a fine dust that flows through the tank, and won't the sand really stop any? I want the water to have to flow through sand to pass to the last stage, so the baffles you set up wouldn't work for me.
Are you referring to my picture or the drawing? Mine does not flood as it's purpose built not too. I've tested numerous times.

I'm sorry, Sebastio's picture.

Sebastio, there's no way the water will flow fast enough *through the sand* without the potential of a flood like in your picture, or having your sand erode into the next chamber and sucked into your tank. And forget any bioballs, prefilters, etc. Your skimmer alone will be fine. Any prefilters will just catch debris and let it rot, raising the nitrates.

If you're worried about the water not remaining in the refugium long enough to be 'processed', you might want to try this route. The flow through the refugium will be slower, allowing it to do it's job more efficiently.

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I will definately consider your route Zissou. I'm not really worried about the water remaining in the fuge, so why would my original plan pose a flood danger? The point was to run all the water through the sand so it will act as a filter.
I just see water hitting that third baffle, and instead of going down and under the sand like you want it to, it'll take the path of least resistance, travel up the glass at a faster rate than it can flow through sand, and flood into the next chamber and eventually out of the tank, while also backing up any water that's still trying to get under your first baffle.

And even if you could manage it, the return pump would have to be dialed in so exactly, not only would it have to be fast enough to pull water through your fuge without backing up, but it would have to do it with pulling sand into your next chamber and into the tank.

It just won't work, and even if it could, it would be a huge pita to regulate.
Ahh, that is exactly kind of help I needed. Now that I think of it, it makes perfect sense. I was hoping that the sand would allow enough water through. Guess I'll have to use less sand then.

So how can I filter out those pesky little particles circulating from the sp to the tank?
Zissou is correct. Water will always flow down the path of least resistance. Making it flow through sand is providing resistance. Where else can it go? Up and over the sides of your tank and onto your floor.
Well From what I can tell you can run a prefilter if you are worried about particles. However you will have to rinse it every few days. To be honest I would think once everything settles in the only particles will be food. And that being suspended in the water is a good thing. The skimmer will get what everr needs to be taken out out and the fuge and cuc will take care of the rest.