My new 90 gallon reef tank

I just put everything in the tank. I haven't even tried to "aqua scape" yet. I'll do that tomorrow or maybe later tonight. Gonna clean out the skimmer and check on ammonia levels. More later guys/gals.
Rock looks nice from what I can see. This is gonna be a nice tank when you finish getting it set up.
:Cheers: It's been 3 days since I received my first shipment of rock and sand from TBS and all I can say is WOW!!! :bounce:

I have never had such an easy cycling of a tank before. The water cleared up by the morning of the first day. I've been checking the ammonia levels as instructed and did a water change today of about 25%. The water stayed clear even after the change!

I have seen so many new things every day. Today I found two baby sea urchins, a baby snail, scared something that shot up a plume of smokey looking stuff from a hole and tried to take some pictures for you. There are different colored sponges growing on almost every rock. Snails everywhere! Lots of barnacles opening and sifting all of the time. Tammy's (my wife) crab has moved and is feeling more comfortable now, sifting the water for food. One large hermit crab that's having the run of the rock. It's very exciting.

So, here are a couple pics. Remember that I only have a $200 camera, not a $5K camera like Dennis :D.

The first one shows a couple of feather dusters and a yellow something, sponge?? The next one is the king hermit and finally just some color.

More later,



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The only possible "bad" critters so far is the crab my wife found. It's possibly a Gorilla Crab, not sure. He is kind of a light brown and stripped color, about the size of a dime. He is hiding under the rocks so I can't get a pic of him. I can also hear what sound like one, maybe two, pistol shrimp, but I have yet to actually see them. No complaints at this point though.
That's was always my biggest concern with TBS.Tearing down a 210g. to get rid of a mantis or crab is so much work.Good luck,I do believe the clicking is more likely a mantis then pistol shrimp.
Hmmm :grumble:

I still haven't aquascaped yet, so I guess I'll dip the rocks and see what I can get to jump out. I really don't mind critters, but I have read so many negative things about Gorillas and Mantis that I guess if I have them, I need to get rid of them.

Oh well ... :sfish:
I was just about to ask how much clicking was coming from the tank:D
The tanks looking great and you'll love all the life on that TBSW rock.
Sorry no pics, but I dipped all of my rock. The "clicking" offenders were pistol shrimp. There were two of them. Both semi transulent, one green and the other was reddish. The reddish one died, the green was put back in the tank. Also found several small crabs. Most were disposed of, but even after the dipping, I found half a dozen still in the rocks when I put them back in the tank.

Oh well, Darwin rules!!! :Cheers:
pistols can be trouble too. Im not saying that I would have killed either of them, but I'm not sure I would have thrown it back into the tank. They can be killers.
:^: Whew! All rock has been dipped, critters removed...most anyways. This is gonna be a Darwin style tank - survival of the fittest. Aqua scaping done. Two Koralia 3s installed. One on the right side near the back and one on the left near the front (it's a corner sump tank). I also have 3 returns spread out across the top rear of the tank.

Does that sound good for water movement?? It looks good :shock:, but I'm always open to suggestions.

Pics later this afternoon when the water clears up a bit more. I promise.

Charlie :mrgreen:
Here are some pictures of my tank. The rock is placed where I think it will stay. Of course that might change when the next shipment comes but I hope not. My ammonia went up since moving and dipping the rock so I had to do a water change this morning. As a result the water is a little cloudy.

In the pictures you can see the Koralia 3 power-heads, (2), in the left/front and right/ rear. Also along the water line you can see the return lines, (3), from the rear facing forward and to the sides. Seems to really move the water around without any "dead" spots that I can see so far. I have the returns following the water line without sucking in any air, but it stirs up the water surface really well.

And lastly, YES that is a Clown fish in the tank. He is the sole survivor from my 75 gallon. He has lived in a bucket for almost a week, then in a sink for several days. I just couldn't let him live there any longer. He is a tuff little guy and is doing well in the new tank so far. He's been in there for a week and is eating well and looks good.

So if all goes well, I will place my next order from TBS this weekend. Wish me luck.


Charlie :mrgreen: