Big shopping day for tank #1


Reefing newb
I just completed probably my biggest stocking shopping day in years!!! :bounce::bounce::bounce: I got 2 fish and 3 corals. I'll start another thread in the coral section with the pics of the corals. I picked up a Rabbit fish and a Green Coris Wrasse. I had never seen this wrasse before and just fell in love with the lime color. The picture of the Rabbit fish gives you a good look of his colors, with the reflection in the glass. All the fish have figured out where they stand in the tank finally. I figured that I better have pictures, since that would be the first comments :lol::lol::lol: So what do you all think???


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Great additions Sonic.
But good luck keeping the Wrasse from sprouting wings.Those Coris wrasses should really be called flying fish.
Great additions Sonic.
But good luck keeping the Wrasse from sprouting wings.Those Coris wrasses should really be called flying fish.

WOW :shock: - I didn't know that! I really love that fish. It has such great color and doesn't have a problem standing up the the other fish in the tank. It's my first wrasse :mrgreen:
I guess I'll have to keep an eye on him and think of putting something across the top of the. With my tank being a Tec tank, it has the upper ledge sticking out about an 1.5" all the way around, so maybe that will help.
Great looking wrasse.Good luck with both of them. Better have that tank covered. I have a yellow coris that has bounced off my mesh top several times.
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Great looking wrasse.Good luck with both of them. Better have that tank covered. I have a yellow coris that has bounced off my mesh top several times.

Guess I better work on some kind of mesh top :grumble: Any suggestions on type of mesh and where to get it??
Here's what I did Get the supplies and come on over and I will give you a hand building them. It doesn't take long at all. In the meantime I would get some eggcrate on the tank

First I guess I'll have to get some eggcrate as I don't have any of that and don't even really know where to get it. Second, if you look at the pictures I have attached, the screens you built would not work for my tank. The top of my tank is flat and does not have any drop down in area, like many tanks. I'll have to figure something out though!!


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You can get the eggcrate at Home Depot or Lowes in the ceiling panel section. They call it suspended ceiling light diffuser. It is a 2'x4' piece. I guess you could still make a cover, I don't know how it would look though. I like your tank. I have never seen one like that
You can get the eggcrate at Home Depot or Lowes in the ceiling panel section. They call it suspended ceiling light diffuser. It is a 2'x4' piece. I guess you could still make a cover, I don't know how it would look though. I like your tank. I have never seen one like that

I know that the egg crate would work for a little bit, but sure will not look nice. I love the Oceanic Tec Tanks for 2 major reasons, the return in the middle of the back and not in the corner and the flat top. It's great to be able to set stuff on it while working in the tank. We'll have to talk sometime on the phone. Would love to increase my options when it comes to buying stuff.