

Got Fish?
I got a new carnation coral. I was told low light/low to med water flow. I placed it so that most of it seems to be touching the sand. Does anyone know if this is okay? I know some corals don't like to touch sand. Yesterday it was large and red and white. Now it's closed up...smaller and just red. Thoughts? Thanks.



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Good luck with it, I had one and was told to keep it in the shade.It was mounted on a clam shell and I kept under a ledge. It lasted about 4 month and melted away. obviously I am not the one to give you any tips on it
They are very hard to keep. Most people have no success at keeping them alive longer than a couple months. Definitely not an easy coral!

They normally hang from a rock -- so they are not just sitting in the sand. Any chance you could prop it up against the rock?
That's a difficult coral to say the least. They usually droop over like that and then begin to break apart and then slowly melt away. That's been my experience with 2-3 of them. Good luck with yours.
Yeah sorry to say I had the exact same luck.. Mine lasted for a couple of months then went totally limp and died. Its for expert only, if you could take it back for a store credit or its probably gonna perish.. But if you decide to keep it good luck:Cheers:
like everyone said. this is a coral i believe is better left in the ocean. super hard to keep. your water needs to be mature enough and super prestine(perfect) and very stable. ive never attempted one.
Thanks everyone. I asked my LFS to order me something red...and the carnation coral is what they came up with. Oh well. I did move it sideways---up on the rocks...thanks for the tips. Even if it only lasts a couple/few'll make for some great photos. Lesson learned.....research, research, research. I should let my LFS know exactly what I want (easy corals!)....and not leave it up to them! :(
Sweet pic dcan!

U4, keep us posted on this. Whenever someone gets a difficult coral I am excited that she may figure out a way to keep it. I think zooplankton and upside down are worth trying. Let us know how it goes.
Sweet pic dcan!

U4, keep us posted on this. Whenever someone gets a difficult coral I am excited that she may figure out a way to keep it. I think zooplankton and upside down are worth trying. Let us know how it goes.

I will definitely do that. :) It's sideways in the rock right now. Very low light....I'd say medium water flow. It's opened up a bit today. I'm picking up some zooplankton at my LFS today. Fingers crossed!



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