Clown with hole in fin


Reefing newb
Hi All,
I was feeding my fish this evening and saw what looks like a split fin on my clown fish. It is a perfectly rectangular hole. I don't think it is any type of disease and the fish acts completely normal but wanted to get your opinions. All other fish are healthy. I ahve included a picture.
Thanks for the help.


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It doesn't look infected or diseased -- it looks like another fish took a chunk out of him! Like David said, ripped fins will grow back.
+1 dcan

Just keep an eye on it and make sure its ok and other fish dont start to pick on it. If he doesnt stress he will recover.
When I got my clownfish it had a split in one of its fins. It never grew back together...never seemed to bother him.
my female clown bites the male's tail. He's much smaller than her and I guess she gets pissed and nips him. It grows back and by that time she gets pissed again and takes another small chunk. One day they are fine and the next she's kicking him out of the torch coral. Goofy fish.
My female did a number on the male clown's fins a while back. It grew back fine. My one firefish also nipped off the other firefish's long dorsal also grew back once I banished the mean firefish.