Newest Addition


Got Fish?
I got a new leopard wrasse yesterday...he's a beauty and doing well. :)



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I was really worried because I'm maxed out on my I always worry about fighting. So far it's been great. It's like he's always been here. Even my other wrasse isn't bothered by him. I think I just lucked out! :) Last night he didn't eat. This morning he was still sleeping when I feed them (he buries himself in the sand, lol). Tonight I'm going to try mysis shrimp. He ate ate brine at the store before I brought him home. He's nice and plump too--so I took that as a good sign.
I got a couple more decent photos of it. The colors under my LED lights are amazing! :)



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Nice, he won't be getting bullied around then. I have a 4in.canary wrasse and my flame angel has been after her since I introduced her about a month ago. She finally got tired of that crap and left him have it. Problem solved.
lol Those wrasses have their limits.
I am a bit surprised...I too have an angelfish (coral beauty) and she usually picks on anything new in the tank for a few days. She hasn't paid any attention to the wrasse. Weird really.