Palythoa's are turning white, please help.


Reefing newb
I got these Paly's about a month ago and I just noticed they are turning white! They are towards the bottom of my tank. I have four other Palythoas that are doing good. These ones are the most timid of any of them and never seemed happy so I had moved them down. They close up when a door slams. They are towards the bottom of the tank. So I am moving them up right now. Is it too late for them?


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I honestly don't know if they are going to die or not. They are still alive so there is hope. I've never seen that kind of white. Looks like spotty white blotches.

Have you ever fed them? Some palys will take meaty foods like mysis or tiny bits of krill. Suck it up with some tank water into a turkey baster. Since these babies are shy I'd avoid trying to squirt food on them. Get the food in the turkey baster and then get it REALLY close to the polyps. Let the food work it's way out with gravity so it just floats out and falls right into their mouth. If they are hungry they will immediately curl up and engulf it. Turn the pumps off so the water doesn't wash the food away as fast as it falls from the turkey baster.

If they DO eat - you'll want to protect them from the fishies while they eat. Most fish will pick at corals and steal food from the corals. That REALLY pisses the corals off. Cut the bottom out of a 1 liter plastic soda bottle and set it over the top of the corals to shelter them while they suck in all the food and work on eating it.

How is the light? The other corals? Temp? Tank parameters? Last water change?

Usually if it's just one coral looking pissed off or sick I try and work on that coral to make it happy. If you have more than 1 unhappy coral then I would suspect water issues.
My water parameters are good. The others are doing good. I am going to try your advice. I've never fed any of them but I do have a turkey baster so I will give it a shot. I also moved them up higher since the others are higher.
I've never seen em get those white spots either.But Rcs right about feeding them.Most Palys love a meaty snack.

When I get home from work,I'll have to see what I can dig up on those sploches.
I guarantee you drop some meaty food on those babies and they will gobble it up like a frog at a fly BBQ. Try it - it's REALLY cool to see them eat IMO.


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With them being as open as they are,I'd just about bet that their just changing colors for some reason :dunno:
And like Rc mentioned,Give em a snack ever so often.:D