Removing Coraline from glass


I just wanted to poll everyone and see how they are cleaning their glass. I am getting some BIG circles of coraline on the front and side glass panels and it is sooo hard to scrape them off. Just wondered what everyones solution was and what instrument they were using to clean.

Thanks in advance!!!! :)
Don't use metal on acrylic tanks.

I use a MagFloat, but I usually end up putting my hand inside the tank and manually scraping with the abrasive side of the MagFloat for the really tough stuff.

It's funny - when we first start out everybody wants coraline. 6 months into this adventure and the coraline is growing faster than you can scrape it off. :shock:
Thanks RC, totally burst my bubble, i'm starting to get coraline and really excited about it too :(

I've been getting a few small spots on the front glass though and I use my magfloat, but with the addition of a "sock" thing that the guy at my LFS gave me. It slides over the magfloat inside the tank and makes cleaning with much easier. No idea what it is, didn't have any packaging, i'll ask him about it next time I go in...I just about need a new one anyway.
Thanks RC, totally burst my bubble, i'm starting to get coraline and really excited about it too :(

I've been getting a few small spots on the front glass though and I use my magfloat, but with the addition of a "sock" thing that the guy at my LFS gave me. It slides over the magfloat inside the tank and makes cleaning with much easier. No idea what it is, didn't have any packaging, i'll ask him about it next time I go in...I just about need a new one anyway.

You'll be cursing coraline in 12 months - I can almost guarantee it. :mrgreen: If it would just grow on the rocks I'd be tickled.............. but nooooooooooooooooooooo it likes the FRONT glass much much more than the dirty old rocks. :frustrat:

My front glass after 2 weeks of neglect......


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For acrylic I use a credit card, for glass I use a razor or a metal scraper. Either way the mag float frequently, before the problem gets big is the easiest way to deal with it.
Mine isn't terrible yet but I see potential for it to get ugly. I am trying to stay on top of it that is why I wanted to know. I appreciate all the advice. I bought my tank used and I am not sure if it is glass or acrylic. My magfloat is not doing a good job. I have been using a sponge and rubbing with my fingers. Maybe I should try the credit card approach :)
Mine isn't terrible yet but I see potential for it to get ugly. I am trying to stay on top of it that is why I wanted to know. I appreciate all the advice. I bought my tank used and I am not sure if it is glass or acrylic. My magfloat is not doing a good job. I have been using a sponge and rubbing with my fingers. Maybe I should try the credit card approach :)
We can help you figure out what you have. Does it have large round corners or perfect square corners? Does it have trim around the top and bottom of the tank or is it just glass to glass with no plastic trim? Do you have any pics, particularly of the top of the tank?
Wow, that's a lot of growth in 2 weeks RC...i'm w/ lily, I clean mine w/ the magfloat 2 or 3 times a week and then I get anything crusted on there weekly when I do water changes. Of course, i've only been at it 5 months now so I devote a lot of time to my little tank :)
Wow, that's a lot of growth in 2 weeks RC...i'm w/ lily, I clean mine w/ the magfloat 2 or 3 times a week and then I get anything crusted on there weekly when I do water changes. Of course, i've only been at it 5 months now so I devote a lot of time to my little tank :)

I change a lot of water to keep my calcium, alk and pH balanced. I figure, if there's coraline growing - the LPS corals must be getting plenty of calcium too.
Rc hit that nail square on the head about coralline.
I'd about rather fight GHA than coralline.If I had a dime for every razorblade I wore out scrapin that crap,I could retire:shock:
Plus when you got all 3 types of coralline growing,its like having a tank stocked full of SPS.You have to really stay on top of the calcium and alkalinity so your corals dont go without.
The Easy Blade is seriously one of the best things I ever bought for my tank.

This was my travesty of my 240 gallon tank at one point. Yes, that's 39 square feet of coralline that needed scraping:

I use the razor blades designed for common utility knives. The sharp side is nice and wide and the back side gives a convenient safe surface to hold onto and push against. A six pack of blades can be had for less than a buck. If you are gentle and let the blade do the work even a thick growth of coraline lifts right off the glass. Rinse and wipe them (carefully :) before you use them as some seem to have a super light film of oil on them when new.