Sick Coral?


Got Fish?
My leather coral hasn't opened for about 5 days now. Tonight I noticed it's not only brown along the trunk (always has had some brown), but it's also red and green. Is there a chance it's dying?



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Actually, I think that looks like my mushroom. Only kidding!!!!!! LOL, that's soooooooooo a hairy mushroom anything like a bearded clam??? LOL..............................
Looks like everyone has you covered here. The coloration at the base is nothing to worry about, and Leathers do indeed molt. I would keep your eye on it in any event. Let us know how it progresses.
Looks like everyone has you covered here. The coloration at the base is nothing to worry about, and Leathers do indeed molt. I would keep your eye on it in any event. Let us know how it progresses.

I will do that, thanks. If it does something weird, I'll take photos....
Here's an update. Part of my coral has started to open up....and it releasing this slimy I guess it is/was molting. My angelfish and clownfish are making a meal of it. Here's Clorinda having a snack. :camera:



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Its looking a lot better:D
That slim that leathers shed,is full of microscopic stuff and nutrients that fish and inverts really like.