I'm in love with my Urchin!


Seahorse Whisperer
I got this little urchin as a hitchhiker.

At first, I was horribly worried that this thing would hurt my ponies. Then, after reading about him, I've learned he's got a lot to offer my tank and is mostly harmless. Every morning he's the first thing I look for. He makes himself a little burrow out of shells. He sticks them all over himself! He must be moving around during the night. What a fun little guy!

I recommend them to anyone looking for an interesting addition to their tank. I guess it's time for a name. hmmmmmmmmmmm..........

Urchins are probably one of the coolest animals that we can keep.:D
I really need to get me another one.
I hadn't seen one with pretty colors like that before. My is just dark brown/black. I love mine too. He was also a hitch hiker. :)
I love mine to cathrine, i have the long spinned but it still is awsome to see him/her climb the glass or just roam the whole tank like he owns it
i liked mine too, only thing i didnt like about them is that knocked over frags, and they also do eat the coraline aglae too..

I noticed that a few of my frags were on the ground this morning, wonder if he did it. Guess I'll need to glue them down. He's worth it!

That is a cool color. I have a black one in my nano and he hasn't knocked over my frags yet. Fingers are crossed though I guess I'll be buying some superglue this weekend.
He's cool. His spines aren't as thick as my pencil urchin. I also have a long spine black urchin. This one doesn't look like a tuxedo either. I wonder what he is?
i found my urchin eating the feathers off my feather duster one morning... since then i got rid of it and didnt get another, is that unusual? Urchin eating a feather duster?
nonono, you all have it all wrong, you must name him Sir Marshmellow, because he is just oh so soft and cuddly! haha...

he looks like the ones we have at the AQ! just a plain ole' purple urchin :) i wish i could find one like that here!
I have two urchins....and they are my favorite. They always have SOMETHING stuck to them. Here's a photo I took awhile ago. My urchin picked up a plant in the tank...and walked around with it like this for a couple/few days....Hehehe....



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I just got a shot spine urchin this past weekend. It's really cool and I love the purple color of it. The only thing I don't like is the fact that it pics up any small corals, snails, hermits, etc. So I had to save a few unwilling passengers.