My New Anthias Came Today !!!!


Reef enthusiast
Here are my new additions. They are so pretty. So far, no one is bothering them. They come up to the top of the rocks they are hiding in and peek over the top to see who's there. The only one that comes over to look at them is the Brown Powder Tang.


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Nice fish, are those Barlett's? Where did you get them from?

I think these are Dispar Anthias. I got them from my LFS. I originally ordered Lyretail, but he called and said they died after he got them. So he ordered me these guys. I love them.
Yes, he said they are schooling fish. So, 1 male 2 females. They came out tonight and ate, so all is good so far.
Very nice looking dispars. Good luck with them. All anthias are very prone to internal worms and should be treated with Prazipro before being added into the display.
Well, had 3 Anthias, now down to 1. The first one died 2 days after I put them in the tank. Came home today, only see one, and he doesn't look good at all. $80 flushed.
No more fish, just going to add corals from now on.
I felt so aweful when I read that you lost your Anthias. This hobby can be so damn frustrating. Don't give up on fish!

Do you have any theories as to what happened? Were they not eating? How did you acclimate them? If your tank is in a condition to handle corals, I would guess that it could handle small fish like your recently departed ones. Have you compared your LFS's water to your own? Same pH? Same temp?

Here's hoping that the last one lives!
He ordered me 3 Anthias. I guess when they came in, they died shortly after. So, he ordered me 3 more. When they came in, he called and said they were in. I asked him to hold then a few days, he said it would be better to put them in my tank now. So, wherever they came from, he picked them up at the airport and floated the bags in his tanks, then I got then home and dripped then for 2 1/2 hours. They never came out to swim around, just hung out in a corner. I think if he would of kept them a few days, they would of either made it or died like the first set. But, either way, I wouldn't of been out of $80. He only has a 24 hour guarantee on hid fish and corals. If I do buy more fish, it won't be from him unless he has had them awhile.
I always leave my fish that I've ordered at my LFS for at least a week. I like to watch them eat and observe their other habits before I take them home. That's just what I do, it's worked for me thus far. Then if they're going to die---they do it at store.
IMO, you'd be better off with a different LFS. They're not willing to hold the fish for you for at least a few days to see how they are? Ridiculous!!! :protest: