
OK, this may sound dumb, but how do you feed it mysis ? I can't hold one of those little dudes in my tongs. Oh, wait, second thought, I do have a syringe type feeder thingy. I'll try that. I already am soaking the mysis in garlic for the fish, would that hurt the bubble ?
The garlic wont hurt the anemone a bit:D Matter fact,It may even be good for it.
But you got the right idea,just gently squirt the mysis into the anemone.
If the fish are robbing food from it - there's no point in squirting it with mysis or anything else.

You need to protect it during feeding time so it can eat in peace. You won't be able to just squirt food at it and move on. As you already know - the fish are beating it up and stealing food from it.

Cut the bottom out of a 1 liter plastic bottle and scrub all the glue and labels off the side. Take the lid off. Push the bottle down over the coral. Feed through the open top with your turkey baster or use hemostats/tongs if feeding larger pieces. Put the lid back on to keep the fish and crabs out. You might have to hold the bottle in place or find a way to wedge it in there.

If that doesn't work - figure out some other way for it to eat in peace.
When I feed my tank I normally feed the fish and then in about 2-3 mins feed my corals it makes the fish full and give the coral time to open up and smell the food. It seems to work for me I have LPS splitting all the time.
I think moving him, made it worse. I got up this morning, and he is wedged in between the glass and the rock. And the light isn't even on. Any other suggestions ? I really don't want to lose him.


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I think you should monitor it for a bit, and get ready to pull that nem out of there. I know you dont want to lose it, but if it dies, it could take your whole tank with it and it doesn't seem to be doing well... perhaps you LFS could take it back?
Why does it keep trying to hide ? It has done this ever since I got it. No matter where I put it, it will try and go under a rock.
Why does it keep trying to hide ? It has done this ever since I got it. No matter where I put it, it will try and go under a rock.

That MAY be the problem right there Sunshine.Just leave the anemone alone and let it settle itself in where IT wants to be.When you move them,it stresses them.They have to find their own spot to be happy. Besides,Anemones wedge their foot into the rock to protect it.The foot is what predators go after since thats the only place that dont have stinging nematocysts.
Oh..... well he don't look very good. He doesn't open all the way, but he does eat. I just checked all the parameters with every test I have. This is what I got ..

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
PH 7.8
Phosphate .5
Calcium 560
KH 10*
Salinity 1.024

Will he come out to eat, since he's wedged in between the rock and glass ?
When it gets settled,it should open up and show itself more.
Something else that might help,is bump your salinity on up 1.026.I've found that inverts usually like a tad bit higher salinity.
I will do that. I couldn't get him to eat last night. He closed up before I could get the food in there. I'll try later today. I'll re-calibrate the refractometer and make sure it's accurate. Then make the salinity a little higher. I think I tried that once, and got it too high. I'll work on that today. Thanks Yote