

part time reefer
i just was thinking about one thing #1 and i were talking about when they were here the other day and I am jst wondering who else has this trouble.

it is all about keeping LPS alive i cannot keep one alive for the lfe of me no matter were i place it in the tank. but i can keep softies and SPS, clams. Rob said that he has troubles with LPS that they just slowly die.
I have they same problem but with SPS. I only have a little piece that's alive on one I had about 6 months. I have had several frags but they always die. :(
i have trouble with most all LPS. i have a trumpet that is doing good but any bubble, torch, frogspwan, hammer, brain they all die in my tank
I have the same trouble with LPS.
JMO,But I think that in a tank where SPS are a lot of softies are happy,that there is just to much flow and to much light to keep LPS.:dunno: Thats just my thoughts on it.
I would have to agree on this one... Can you make a spot where they will be somewhat protected from the flow? I doubt that it's a lighting issue. Some LPS are sensitive to too much light, but I think you would really have to over do it for them to struggle because of light. It's usually the opposite problem of them not having enough. It has to be a flow issue.
well the problem is they die from bleaching. they live for a few months and gradually loose their color. i had my brain for 5 months than it just lost all its color and died but they die slowly. none of them have had their tissue ripped. a;; my flow is at the top of the tank and from the mid mid level of my tank and soen is a low flow for my clam and lps. the trumpet i have and the acan are doing great but they are the only two. and now my lobo is starting to loose its color
I can keep hairy mushrooms and any kinda leather but put a frogspawn or torch in my tank it quickly becomes a graveyard:death:, I just dont understand it. can anyone who has had success help me please. I really wanna have them survive:Cheers:
I keep a lot of LPS corals. They are my favorite.

I can't keep SPS alive more than a week. They rot and die almost immediately.

In the 30H display there is about 20x - 30x turnover - depending on which powerhead is switched on/off with the timer. I run T5 lights over the display. There's (6) 24w tubes over that tank.

Most of my LPS is down low on the sand bed almost 18" under the water. My sky blue candy canes started splitting weekly once I took them out of high flow and dropped them to the bottom of the tank. The blastos are under medium flow and medium light. The neon green favia and the purple favia are both low in the tank where flow is low and so is the light.

I wish I could tell you that I know a secret, but I don't. Just lucky I guess.

If I had to guess, I'd say most of you probably have too much light and flow. SPS like high light and high flow - exactly opposite what an LPS wants.


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I have moved my torch so much after I got it. It wasn't happy on the sand bed. I moved it up half way, wedged it in between 2 rocks, it looks much better. It has just low flow. At first, it wasn't hardly moving at all, but growing good, than I did some aquascaping, moved a rock and now it's getting low flow. It started to die in the sand.

I'm having trouble with my bubble. It still has it's color, but is slowly going under a rock. I had it on the bottom of the tank on a rock, it tried to go under that. So, I took the rock and moved it to a low flow area, still on the bottom of the tank, but it he is still trying to go under the rock there too. It is wedged between the rock and the glass. I don't know what he wants !!!!!
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It sounds like your lights are to strong for your bubble. he sounds like it is trying to hide from the lights
What can I do about it ? Put little sun shades around him ...... lol Maybe build an arbor over him like we did our pond, yea, and put lattice on top !!!! lol Seriously, I don't know what to do with him, every place on the net said they like light, He's the red one I paid a lot of money for, just so my clown would host him instead of my goniopora. And no, he hasn't hosted it at all.