fire shrimp question


Reefing newb
Merry Christmas everyone, hope your holidays are going perfect.

I have a question about my fire shrimp and wondering if anyone else has seen this since they are considered "safe" from what the LFS says.

I bought a fire shrimp about 2 weeks ago and added him to my tank and he is always hiding thorughout the day which is fine but last night I was watching the fish tank in the dark and notice this little bugger sneaking around and climbed up onto my colt coral and waited for the clowns to get all comfortable and sleepy and he would jump onto them and pick away at em until they woke up and took off. I thought this was a fish/reef friendly shrimp. Has anyone else had to incarcerate their shrimp haha. I have lost a Royal Gramma completely and he is my prime suspect now.

Currently I am trying to catch the guy until I know more but so far he is proving to be smarter then me :beer:


  • fireshrimp10M.webp
    27 KB · Views: 292
Fire Shrimp are "cleaners" too just like Skunk Shrimp. He was just doing his job picking at parasites on the fish. A Shrimp won't be able to kill or hurt a fish unless it was sick.
HAHAHA thanks everyone I figured that is the case but I will be keeping my eye on him. Cleaning is one thing waiting until the fish is asleep and doing an aerial drop and completely wrapping up in legs and pinchers doesn't seem like the "innocent" way of picking off pests.
Watch out for your shrimp with those clowns. My clowns are starting to pick at my fire shrimps antenae. They just grabbed him by it today and drug him halfway across the tank..little bastards.
If your clowns aren't going to him during the day then he might be ambushing them for a meal at night. I doubt he'll harm them but I'd say he's hungry for some parasites hehe. I've seen cleaner shrimp chase a distressed and confused imperator angel around a tank for some parasite food.