Mega Powerfull Mechanical Filtration algae removal

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I'll huff and I'll puff nad I'll BUM your house down??

I just shut down mu sump, and I installed a 2 micron cartridge on a pool pump and I have 80 pounds of water pressure blasting through a 2 micron cart. now. I figure when it gets clogged the pump pressure will create its own vaccuum and a reverse osmothisis effect will take place. I'm gonna suck the slime right off the fis.

where have you got 2 microns. I can only find 1 and 5, 10, 20.....
Oh wow. I said that already... :frustrat::frustrat::frustrat:

yeah but you have also said;

The bacteria live in the rocks and sand. Not much at all live in the water. So the UV filter kills very little of the beneficial bacteria. Even in tanks with a UV system, all the bacteria in the rock and sand (which is 99% of the bacteria in the tank) is still alive and doing its job.

If this filter works as you claim it does, and you try to keep corals or plankton-eating fish (like anthias), your corals and fish will starve to death. Isn't your filter not only filtering out the "bad stuff", but the "good stuff" that many animals need to survive as well?

I really don't understand you, if there's anything beneficial in the water that can be stop and kill. then it can be killed as well by the UV's and in the same time. No doubts about.
Mathematically I can say;

My device with 1 micron cartridge = your UV
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I'll huff and I'll puff nad I'll BUM your house down??

I just shut down mu sump, and I installed a 2 micron cartridge on a pool pump and I have 80 pounds of water pressure blasting through a 2 micron cart. now. I figure when it gets clogged the pump pressure will create its own vaccuum and a reverse osmothisis effect will take place. I'm gonna suck the slime right off the fis.

where have you got 2 microns. I can only find 1 and 5, 10, 20.....

And to all the canister opponents; it takes about 5 to 7 days for organic matter to decompose at the nitrifying level in a canister filter. If you clean the floss weekly it should not be any problems at all!
My device with 1 micron cartridge = your UV

First of all, I don't use a UV. I never have. I believe that their cons outweigh their pros. So don't you go putting words in my mouth that I believe UV filters are great, and are necessary. I DON'T. Nor have I ever said that. In fact, I only really support the use of UV in one scenario -- and that's if you keep a tank full of very sickly fish that have compromised immune systems. I don't recommend them for reef tanks or for the average hobbyist!

Second, for people that do use UV filters, they do not have as much flow as your filter does. You have stated yourself what high turnover rate the pump that you are using has. UV filters use very small pumps and do not treat all the water in the tank. The water has to stay in the UV filter for a period of time in order for the UV to be effective. The water has to be exposed to the UV light for a while. So the flow through UV filters is VERY SLOW. They use nowhere near the amount of flow that your pool pump does.

You don't have the first clue what you're talking about.
First of all, I don't use a UV. I never have. I believe that their cons outweigh their pros. So don't you go putting words in my mouth that I believe UV filters are great, and are necessary. I DON'T. Nor have I ever said that. In fact, I only really support the use of UV in one scenario -- and that's if you keep a tank full of very sickly fish that have compromised immune systems. I don't recommend them for reef tanks or for the average hobbyist!

Second, for people that do use UV filters, they do not have as much flow as your filter does. You have stated yourself what high turnover rate the pump that you are using has. UV filters use very small pumps and do not treat all the water in the tank. The water has to stay in the UV filter for a period of time in order for the UV to be effective. The water has to be exposed to the UV light for a while. So the flow through UV filters is VERY SLOW. They use nowhere near the amount of flow that your pool pump does.

You don't have the first clue what you're talking about.

right on biff you are 100% right :bounce::bounce:

thread after thread you post here you know more than anybody else and everybody that tries to help you you say they are wrong. and you go and do it your way. if you dont want help than dont post your crap here. we are here to help not to be told that we are stupid because we use skimmers or even uv lights. many of use have been in this hobby for a long time and we know what we are talking about.

SO if you DON'T want help than dont post here
Ok if everybody has something to say why not me?
First of all thank you all for the “real” help provided so far. I understand that some of you are really great and awesome successful “reefers” but under the pretext of helping a “newbie” like me you guys are way out of the “helping area’’, this was intended to be a topic “do it yourself” instead has become “do what I say or I “knock my head” . These two phrases are not related in any worldwide vocabularies. So here I am, posting my device I build which is really great BTW and offering a great filtration, for an ultra cheap price and proven to beat some of the market existing products.
Here is what I build, here are the pictures, here is the Youtube video and that’s end of it. If we must argue about UV’s, light’s, sumps, we can do it on another thread. You like it read it, copy, experiment yourself or shake your head and wait for the right topic to start philosophing about how great you are and how awful someone would be if he doesn’t follow your steps.
Well my friend maybe your steps aren’t exactly to follow. The path towards success is not just one, and definitely not only the one followed by you. There are many others and the internet is full of happy stories with; no live sand, no sumps, with canister filters, without Ro water and so on. Please stop telling me what it’s working for you as it will work for me.
So far it was told me; “too fast to everything” “your anemone will explode”, “your corals will die”, your fish will die” Nothing has died and everything has doubled in size including anemone and corals.
The same stories are happening in the real life scientific studies, there are scientist studying all their life measuring devices with their fancy instruments emitting old theories about causality and effects without reaching any conclusions, until a student with hands in pocket just looking few days on this people’s life work and he is concluding that best theory which revolutionize that matter.
I am not referring o anyone here nor I am that student, but please be open minded and stop saying “do what I tell you” I am here to help you so shut up, listen to me and do what I say.


P.S once again with respect to everyone who had helped me especially "bifferwine" thank you and please take no offense for what i just written. I am new, I know and the fact i posted before questions was accepting there are here people willing to help me knowing from experience much more than I do
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OK qx, first off, you did not come here and ask would this work? You said this is way better than your guys skimmers. When you were told that this wouldnt work by some one who actually did it, you completely ignored him and continued to proclaim how wonderful your discovery was. As to your assertivness that the people here are telling you to do as I say or I will beat your head in, look at the Algae Scrubber thread.

Santa Monica has a different technology that he has actually done research on and doesnt follow in what many people here consider traditional reef keeping. But his theories are sound and alot of research was done. Also, He presents it in a very educated way. Unlike you do.
So far it was told me; “too fast to everything” “your anemone will explode”, “your corals will die”, your fish will die” Nothing has died and everything has doubled in size including anemone and corals.

About 2 weeks ago, you posted that all your corals were dying.
Ok if everybody has something to say why not me?
First of all thank you all for the “real” help provided so far. I understand that some of you are really great and awesome successful “reefers” but under the pretext of helping a “newbie” like me you guys are way out of the “helping area’’, this was intended to be a topic “do it yourself” instead has become “do what I say or I “knock my head” . These two phrases are not related in any worldwide vocabularies. So here I am, posting my device I build which is really great BTW and offering a great filtration, for an ultra cheap price and proven to beat some of the market existing products.
Here is what I build, here are the pictures, here is the Youtube video and that’s end of it. If we must argue about UV’s, light’s, sumps, we can do it on another thread. You like it read it, copy, experiment yourself or shake your head and wait for the right topic to start philosophing about how great you are and how awful someone would be if he doesn’t follow your steps.
Well my friend maybe your steps aren’t exactly to follow. The path towards success is not just one, and definitely not only the one followed by you. There are many others and the internet is full of happy stories with; no live sand, no sumps, with canister filters, without Ro water and so on. Please stop telling me what it’s working for you as it will work for me.
So far it was told me; “too fast to everything” “your anemone will explode”, “your corals will die”, your fish will die” Nothing has died and everything has doubled in size including anemone and corals.
The same stories are happening in the real life scientific studies, there are scientist studying all their life measuring devices with their fancy instruments emitting old theories about causality and effects without reaching any conclusions, until a student with hands in pocket just looking few days on this people’s life work and he is concluding that best theory which revolutionize that matter.
I am not referring o anyone here nor I am that student, but please be open minded and stop saying “do what I tell you” I am here to help you so shut up, listen to me and do what I say.


P.S once again with respect to everyone who had helped me especially "bifferwine" thank you and please take no offense for what i just written. I am new, I know and the fact i posted before questions was accepting there are here people willing to help me knowing from experience much more than I do

You have a point, but...

qx i don't feel that trying to come up with different ways or experimental ideas is what the problem is here. It's just that if your going to try these things then you can't tell everyone else their way of doing something isn't as good as your way when their way has been proven in years of tried and true methods. There is nothing wrong with trying to come up with something that is an alternative way of doing what another piece of equipment does, you just can't shove it down our throats.

This is not an experimental invention site. We try to help people with proven ways of doing things not just off the wall ideas. Keep trying different things and inventing different pieces of equipment and who knows maybe one day we will all be using your invention.
You have a point, but...

It's just that if your going to try these things then you can't tell everyone else their way of doing something isn't as good as your way when their way has been proven in years of tried and true methods. .

I haven't said that. I always agreed that a sump is one of the best algae removers just not the only one. In fact i haven't said anything than presenting my invention.
interesting thread turned bitter. lol. i like new things so dont be discourage to give updates on your invention. hopefully it turns out well
Right on qx. Im right with ya. Wether or not you succed or fail with this filter or any thing else as far as this goes you tried, Some of us learn more from trying than just stoping at what others say ,do or dont do. Like i said some are thinkers and some are not....Those who what to give us crap for trying well, :nono: :grumble:
About 2 weeks ago, you posted that all your corals were dying.

All my corals do fine except I had blue Xenia. When i've added it to the new water parameters after changing the rocks and water from the old set up, it just stopped pulsing and died. I though back then all other corals will follow and maybe something was wrong in the water.
I was wrong, right now on the new set up everything goes greater than before. The zoo are now fuly open and expanding, hammer, expanding, the disk corals are now about 20 cm, the trumpet corals do fine.

My tank has now only two weeks and cycling very fast, i start having coralline on many of the dead rocks i bought in the end of the first week. I now have a green algae bloom on the aquarium glass but corals loves it, They are feeding with these algae. I need more live rock but don't have the money now.

I am not cheap and never was, i invested al necessary good stuff into my tanks. I am using a 400$ Protein skimmer and i paid only 50$ + 25$ shipping and it works more than great (should i ad the fact that was produced in Germany my country of origins)? Normally i would not have paid this price for any other protein skimmers beeing happy with my own built protein skimmer which was about 40$


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Right on qx. Im right with ya. Wether or not you succed or fail with this filter or any thing else as far as this goes you tried, Some of us learn more from trying than just stoping at what others say ,do or dont do. Like i said some are thinkers and some are not....Those who what to give us crap for trying well, :nono: :grumble:

You obviously have not read any of his other threads. I suggest you go back and read some of the threads that he has started -- starting from the earliest and working forward. Among other things, he has claimed that light is fatal to corals and that all of us with MH lights are actually slowly killing our corals (in fact, he said that anyone that has ever been scuba diving knows that the water is so dark and cloudy that corals never get light), that protein skimmers starve corals and strip the water of everything important, that RODI water poisons corals and that we should use lake water or tap water instead, and that inverts need copper to live. Those are just a few of his outlandish claims.

I guess it's nice that you're out here trying to support him and all, but you haven't read everything that he's been saying from the beginning and don't understand how crazy and plain wrong the ideas that he's been spewing are. This thread is just another example of how misinformed he is. Unless you have read the others, you really don't know what is going on here. I respectfully suggest that if you would like to follow his advice, you read the other things he has posted, THEN judge the competency and soundness of the advice he is giving. Until you do your homework, being a cheerleader for him only makes you look as uniformed as he is.
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You obviously have not read any of his other threads. I suggest you go back and read some of the threads that he has started -- starting from the earliest and working forward. Among other things, he has claimed that light is fatal to corals and that all of us with MH lights are actually slowly killing our corals (in fact, he said that anyone that has ever been scuba diving knows that the water is so dark and cloudy that corals never get light), that protein skimmers starve corals and strip the water of everything important, that RODI water poisons corals and that we should use lake water or tap water instead, and that inverts need copper to live. Those are just a few of his outlandish claims.

I guess it's nice that you're out here trying to support him and all, but you haven't read everything that he's been saying from the beginning and don't understand how crazy and plain wrong the ideas that he's been spewing are. This thread is just another example of how misinformed he is. Unless you have read the others, you really don't know what is going on here. I respectfully suggest that if you would like to follow his advice, you read the other things he has posted, THEN judge the competency and soundness of the advice he is giving. Until you do your homework, being a cheerleader for him only makes you look as uniformed as he is.

Hey, stop discrediting me twisting my words, maybe my English doesn't sounds to good and not always intelligible but i haven't said "the light is bad for corals" do not distortion my words just to bring up front and justify some of your actions.
1) I have said metal halides whom are rich in UV is bad for corals without a glass between on the long way run. This information was taken from the internet and i can copy and paste any time here.
2) I have asked if i can use lake water instead of RO or tap water (never advocate this should be used by any of you)
3) Never said RO water is posoning the fish (This is a lie)!
4) Never said inverts need copper. (Again a lie) I however have said some corals do need a very small percentage of copper and go in the fish stores and you'll see trace elements to be added in reef tank containing copper and i am talkig about very small percentages, as you yourself as any of us have all the earth elements in your body including copper.
Should i mention that strontium is also required in the atomic industry. It doesn't necessary mean it's bad and corals do need it!


Please copy and paste all these informations here as you find them in my writings. All of them and let's judge!
I am thanking you in my last post and you responding back throwing mud at me? Why just because others may support my believes. You lack a lot of character showing this, regardless your appreciate knowledge in this domain. Without diplomacy there I no politics!
I start understanding now why some other users are no longer posting here and their status is "excluded" yu only keep here people that sing in the same chorus with you!
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