Anyone have a sea apple?


Reefing newb
we're having great fun and some trepidation trying to figure out when 'elvis' the sea apple is happy or not happy beyone the vague parameters we've found thus far. we know s/he is eating and breathing and eliminating, anyone have more specific guidance and/or experience :question:


  • Jules, Elvis and Ricky.jpg
    Jules, Elvis and Ricky.jpg
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How long have you had your tank established. I have a sea apple, but ive also had my tank established for 3 years. The are very tricky to maintain. My sea apple is always open, very brightly colored, if anything attacks it in any way it will release toxins in your tank. good luck
How long have you had your tank established. I have a sea apple, but ive also had my tank established for 3 years. The are very tricky to maintain. My sea apple is always open, very brightly colored, if anything attacks it in any way it will release toxins in your tank. good luck

we r pretty new 2 the sea world, 5 mos. tank is 6 mos old. what will be perceived as an attack? crabs occasionally crawl on it, fish fins occassionally brush it, aside from that i don't think any being is aggressive towards it. it is not always open however. it usually closes a fair amount of the day i'd say 1/3rd. the rest of the time it is either open or open with tentacles about 1/4 inch out. it is brigtly colored. we feed it microvert 2 x /day (along with the corals). i put the food in the current so it floats in the direction of the apple a few times each feeding. sometimes it opens and sometimes not. seems to be open more later in the day with tentacles out as described above.

at times it scrunches up in the middle, it is rarely an oval shape though it isnt' any smaller than when we got it. it has a good hold on a couple of rocks with yellow feelers. currently it is closer to horizontal as one of the rocks moved accidently when i moved another rock.

i have clown fish, crabs, snails, mandarin, dwarf angel coral beauty, 6 line wrasse, pj cardinals,sea star, engineer and neon goby's, 2 aneomes's, various coral frags and a gorgonian tree, live rock and sand. any dangers there?

any concerns about any of this including the apple's behavior thus far? we don't want to harm it or others in the tank certainly. if we should find 'elvis' another home we can do that as everyone's wellfare is our interest. if on the other hand what i describe is normal then that is great.

we run a vertex protein skimmer in a sump and have a magnetic pump to simulate a reef environment for the tank.

what do you think? :bowdown:
i see 2 things wrong with your tank
1 is your tank is too young for a sea apple
2 your tank is too young for 2 anemones
what type of lights do you have what type of flow do you have. My apple is always open and his arms are extended 3/4 of the day. He is always eating. Another problem you could have is your anemone could walk around your tank and sting your apple. Now im not gonna say your gonna have trouble but you have been lucky so far so good luck :Cheers:
i see 2 things wrong with your tank
1 is your tank is too young for a sea apple
2 your tank is too young for 2 anemones
what type of lights do you have what type of flow do you have. My apple is always open and his arms are extended 3/4 of the day. He is always eating. Another problem you could have is your anemone could walk around your tank and sting your apple. Now im not gonna say your gonna have trouble but you have been lucky so far so good luck :Cheers:

appreciate your input. have pc acintic blue/white lights and metal halide with lunar lights. 8 hrs on halides and 9 on pc. flow is good, over 1000 gph in 85 gal tank with external pump thru sump with protein skimmer; and a vortec pump that creates a flow of over 3000 gph in the form of recreating a reef environment.

the aneomes seem to be doing well. they are not moving around or distintegrating. they are hosting a clown each and i'm feeding shrimp piece every other day as well. everyone is getting garlic and supplemental vitamins. water quality is good, i test a couple of times a week.

my apple does not look anything like yours (except for beautiful color) and never has including from being in lps. i think from looking at your picture that s/he has been on a decline for awhile and is hanging in by a thread. or alternativley s/he isn't feeling safe yet to be fully open. what do you think i should do? :twocents:
+1 joker

Even though your anemones look healthy, they could be dying very very slowly. With anems you dont really know if they are doing poorly until its too late.

Your tank is defiantly too young for anemones & the apple. I recommend approx. 8-10 watts per gal of lighting only AFTER your tank is about a year old...

If i was you, i would return them before its too late. Save your money and save the other creatures in your tank by giving them back. Good luck.
thanks to all for your advise and information regarding our sea world. we have found a home for elvis which i think is good for possible rehab tho i have my concerns whether it can be brought back which i understand takes months and months for them to decline and hard to tell when it is happening; don't think we started off on the best foot regardless of age of tank. :helm2:

i'm not one to hesitate to ask for help, best way to learn :Cheers:, which i'd rather not do at some creatures expense if possible tho i know it isn't always; all tanks are different and in the end the one with ultimate responsibility aka tank diver/creator has to make judgement calls sometimes accurately and sometimes not, we all do our best.:twocents:

ltljoker i think the 'unfortunate' was directed to me and agreeing that i might be best off reviewing the creatures :sfish:in my tank which he knew (my assumption) probably wasn't the easiest advice to hear which is correct on some levels. :mrgreen:

i look forward to continuing to get to know you all and sharing our experiences.
Laura,sometimes the hardest decissions are the ones when we admit we are wrong:frustrat: or dont know as much as we think we do:shock:. You did the right thing by finding elvis a new home:bowdown:. We never try to critisize people on their decissions regarding their personal tanks but sometime we are a lil harsh because we already learned the hard way. Best of luck to you:Cheers:
:Cheers:like biff posted in another thread. the single best source for help is fellow reefers :)
thats what this forum is all about.:Cheers:

yep tis the wisdom of the group that is most helpful to the one and all, i get that
:bounce: and am most appreciative of the assistance, information, humor i've received from everyone who has posted to me :Cheers::Cheers: